Solutions for Dev Environment

  • Hi Everyone,

    I’m wondering if there is a solution (plugin or cloud platform) that create a development environment of my website where the developer can do the work for me to review and check, then once everything is ok automatically move it to the live website.

    Please help me with your advices.



  • Hello there,

    Thank you for reaching out! Creating a development environment for your site is indeed a wise approach to safely test changes before implementing them on your live site. One of the most common and effective methods is to utilize subdomains like or

    To get started, you can set up a separate installation of WordPress on your subdomain (, using a staging or development environment. This allows you to build and test your changes without affecting the live site.

    Once you’re satisfied with the changes on the beta site, you can proceed with syncing the changes to your actual site. A common way to do this is through FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Simply transfer the modified files from your beta site to your live site using FTP.

    Remember, before making any changes to your live site, it’s essential to create a full backup, just in case. This way, you can always revert to the previous version if needed.

    Using a development environment helps minimize the risks of breaking your live site and allows for a smoother update process. If you need any further guidance or have any questions, feel free to ask. We’re here to assist you with your website development process.

    Hope this helps!

  • Thanks a lot saadahsan, that was very helpful

    Would you please advise me how to overcome the issue of overwriting woocommerce customers orders while pushing or syncing changes to live. What is the best practice to follow to avoid messing up the live records.

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