so what do you think of the new themes?

  • Actually, Beccary’s Thirteen-theme fits the purpose of my blog perfectly. It’s even got the right ‘logo’ baked in. My blog is a political blog from a centrist perspective (which means nothing to you americans! ;) ) but it was like Beccary made the theme with my purpose in mind. :)
    Bloggen Bent

  • Podz, I think maybe using a label something like “ Tags:” would be helpful for those tags within the posts. Much like how most people do Technorati tags. (I think I’ve suggested that in the past as well. :whistle: :)

    When this feature rolled out, there was a bit of an outcry here in the forums over it.

    Options, do you have the “Show hierarchy” option checked with the widget?

  • Podz: there’s a biggish thread on the global tags mess here, in which options suggests the eminently workable solution of editing templates-function-category.php. Change the output of the_category from ‘view all posts in [categoryname]’ to ‘view all posts in [categoryname] ON WORDPRESS.COM’ in the link titles (caps optional ;) ) and I would be perfectly happy.

    (In an ideal world there’d be some kind of labelling next to the tags as well, but as this would involve tweaking individual themes that’s obviously out of the question.)

    It’s not that it can’t be done, or that it’s not easy to do, or even that it would take longer than thirty seconds to do, it’s that Matt refuses to do it.

  • uhm, I am sure just simply adding an apropriate ‘title’ to Global Tags (GT) is definitely not enough (though now GT lacks even this trivia), cause this feature is being complicated with a Subcategory bug (they ain’t displayed on the sidebar) which completely breaks a navigation on my (and, it appears not only mine) blog and make it nearly unusable. [let alone all web/usability/design standards (which wp for some reasons is so proud about) and a common sense, or rather total lack thereof]

    my actual proposition to remedy this issue was also very simple indeed: list an appropriate GT for each category in the square brakets labeling it by the capital ‘W’ like this:

    Filed under: LocalCategory [W], AnotherLocalCategory [W]

    where a ‘LocalCategory’ is link to local blog’s category, whereas ‘W’ is a link to .com’s GT which have the same name as a ‘LocalCategory’ (w/ an appropriate ‘title’ attrib.), and this absobloodylutely simple thing is all I really want and beg during for almost two months.

    I posted this propostion in the forums thread which wank mentioned above as well as on my blog in the article. both has been read by the PTB, funny no replies or any actions yet though.

  • <i>It has been mentioned in the past that most of the themes around here lack feminine designs.</i>

    Those “feminine” ones are a bit over-the-top…then again, it might get some of the middle-schoolers off MySpace and actually writing…

    My input on the new themes:

    Ambiru – beautiful header. I also usually like a fairly narrow content space, but ended up finding this one too narrow when I tried it; also, the font in the pages was too small, 9pt or so. Also, it lacked a search box.

    Emire – clean, but a little corporate.

    Supposedly Clean – no customization for the sidebar content, and the “The author does not say much about himself” bit basically forces the user to put a bio in the front page, which not all of us want to do.

    Solipsus – pretty, but the buttons in the sidebar detracted from the look.

    What I ended up going with: Regulus, because it was the most customizable and the only layout that allowed a custom masthead. It would be nice if more layouts supported that.

  • Hopefully someday more theme authors will write in that feature. :)

  • regulus is the best theme for anyone because of the ability to choose one’s header. i think when wp adds more themes, they should look for a theme’s customisation ability.

  • Yes suz I agree with what you say about customization ability. It’s key.
    On Regulus which I’m using too the four changes I would make it are. (1) Use the whole space. [What is it with these skinny mini narrow blogs? If they were models they would be starving to death. Is there a “geeky” reason they all have to be so narrow? If not could we please have the full page model like Andreas 09. (2) Put sidebars on one side. (3) Put a sideblog on the other. (4) PLEASE [she said in a begging tone] replace the horrid old lady lavendar coloured font and create “contrast” so the links pop-out to the eye rather than blending into blahness.

    Colour is extremely important to me. I’m a warm colour person (gold, rust, russet red, tomato red) – cool greens, mauves, lavendars, grays and insipid blues remind me of dental and doctor’s offices, laboratories, institutional or corporate hallways – *GAG* me :P {how does one use an emoticon to depict vomitting?] Anyway the basics of working with colour and contrast as well as design are well known to artists yet in the blogosphere they seem to be unknown. Why is that?

    I very much appreciated Joen’s visit to the forum. Unfortunately I did not even notice his posting until the following day. But it was good to have a designer here explaining what was already included in Fauna 5 [not that options didn’t do a good job]. The fact that the header and background colours on Fauna 5 can be changed was important to me. There is the capacity for “dailies” and “mini” sideblog posts which also attracted me to the theme. The header and the background colours did not but VOILA they can be changed.Now that’s cool.

  • I moved my blog from Blogger to recently and started with the Contempt theme. It rapidly began to seem too professional for a fledgeling book blog, so I looked for a change. Currently I’m using Regulus because it had a header image which fits my blog’s name (Mirkwood) quite well, though I had to sloppily edit out the huge white butterfly on the right.

    I have an issue with the way the links look on the blog, but it isn’t too bad since I can force them to have a particular color by editing the html. I fear that people new to the Internet wouldn’t know that a word or phrase is clickable ;).

    I just hope I don’t get it into my head to change the theme again, since it is a *hugely* time-consuming OCD-magnet.

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