so what do you think of the new themes?

  • * Ambiru — i love the header (green and turquoise i like), the look is very very clean until you get to the bottom whr the categories and archives look like it doesn’t belong thr. and no place to put widgets =( but if thr is it wouldn’t look as clean as it does now. allows comments on pages which i like, but pictures run off the edge if one doesn’t change the size.

    * Emire — it has an uncluttered look but pictures run off the edge too unless altered (unlike regulus which just cuts it off – much better for newbies like moi). very user-friendly – widgets-able and large enough fonts (i’m not sure if one can change the font i have not tried it – regulus theme overrides all font changes except colour).

    * Flower Power — the red is a bit too overpowering for me, and for some reason instead of being centred, the blog is aligned to the left (am using firefox). sidebar too skinny and it doesn’t link to my pages. otherwise it’s an ok feminine theme.

    * Supposedly Clean — as it’s named for, this theme has a clean look too. pictures still run off but it links to my pages at the sidebar. has some theme options, like aligning of sidebar (left or right?) and header options (red, blue or green?). nah, can’t beat regulus in the header dept. but it’s good.

    * Solipsus — i really like this one but it doesn’t allow comments in pages, neither does it link to them and pictures run off. =( otherwise it’s perfect.

    what i would like – enable comments on pages, override picture size, customisable headers!

  • Ambiru is awesome, but it needs two changes badly: (1) widgetization and (2) unnumbered lists need a bullet character.

    The rest are all very good, although they aren’t really to my tastes.

  • I am completely in love with Emire….love the look the feel, but I am having issues with some of the features. Mainly the fact that certain things do not show up for older posts on the main page, but things that show up for “the current post” for example…comments..and categories. It is such a sexy theme though….I totally want to switch from Regulus, but for now…I think I will wait, see if these features are added…or heck..maybe I will just cave and switch, ARG! Decisions…decisions…

    Perplexed :?

  • taraden: i was exactly likr you when i first saw solipsus! i even did change but the look was somewhat distorted by the picture-running-over-edge (and no links to pages) so i switched back to regulus. i’m going to figure out soon how to solve that pic problem (help, anyone?) and i will switch asap.

    you should just switch, we only live once =P

  • Meh!

    I haven’t found a theme yet that suits my needs perfectly.

    There are issues or quirks with every theme that puts me off using them.

    Not being able to edit the themes, I just have to deal with it. I can’t even remember what I’m using on my blog right now.

  • Phu’s themes are beautifully executed but they bore me rigid. They’re very impersonal, which is what makes them so popular, but just too bland for me.

    I just gave Supposedly Clean a test run — I’m afraid I don’t like this at all. I don’t like the right-aligned text in the sidebar, or the fact that it’s bold, or the stupid ticky-box-style pseudobullets. The sub-Squidfingers flowery background seems completely disconnected from the rest of the design, ditto the comments styling. It doesn’t feel clean to me, it feels all over the place. I have absolutely no idea why this was chosen when there are so many better themes around.

    Solipsus is nice enough but Beccary still does this sort of thing better (I don’t think she’d have chosen blue links, for example). I also think we have enough Beccary-style stuff already and would have preferred to see one of Gail Dela Cruz’s competition themes instead.

    Flower Power is squished. I don’t mind narrow templates per se, but if you’re going to do this you need to center them and make the font smaller. Again, I don’t see why this makes the cut when he could have gone for Rounded v2 or Isla, but then I think Matt’s sense of what girls want from a template is a bit skewed.

  • wank: does matt make the final decision on what goes in theme selection? you’re right about that, even i don’t fancy flower power to the others less feminine. not that i’m looking for a feminine theme. i’d much prefer a theme like regulus, simple uncluttered look with customised header. the more customisation the better.

  • I haven’t found a theme yet that suits my needs perfectly.

    There are issues or quirks with every theme that puts me off using them.

    You’re preaching to the choir. Heck, I can edit mine off site and I still don’t like them. :)

    It has been mentioned in the past that most of the themes around here lack feminine designs.

  • Perfect Template Where Are You?
    Change is the only ‘constant’ in the universe. As time passes who we are ‘within’ and how we look upon everything ‘without’ changes. Consequently, our blog content changes too. Seeking the perfect blog template is like chasing a rainbow. The important thing about chasing rainbows is that the transparent colours arching over our lives will come and will go: it’s the content that will remain.
    Well, you’ll be able to read the rest two hours from now at[she said grinning because finding this post on the forum kicked started her blogging today].;)

  • I would hope they make more themes like the Blix0.9.1. It’s pretty functional from widgets sidebars, clean archives categories & “email me” page. One thing tho is that the header cannot be cuztomized like the Regulus. But so far, IMO, Blix is yet the best Theme.

  • I don’t understand why, in the new themes (or now all themes?) clicking on a category under a post (filed under: personal) takes you to all wordpress posts filed under personal.

  • @ sulz

    Hee Hee….you are probably right, I should just switch!

  • Go for it – test drive a new template today. :)

  • Chronicles, it’s been that way for months now. See here and here. The category links within your sidebar stay within your blog.

  • hello Jenna (thechroniclesofmunchkinland),

    this is a unique, unmatched .com ‘Global Tags‘ feature, so to speak.

    it makes possible an easy access to “a zeitgeist of what’s popular in the last 48 hours” in the ‘Personal’ category.

    please note, this cited quotation is from a post in the official ‘ news blog’ which has been filed under: ‘, Introduction, Tags, Categories, Community’ categories.

    now a little fun: just try to find any other related posts in this blog filed into the same categories… (try to click sidebar categories links too)

    hey, Mike, intended to post message above an hour ago but been interrupted by urgent phone call: see most of my sidebar category links are not even shown on the sidebar at all.

    btw, found several related to this issue tickets in the trac assigned no ‘nobody’. i.e. as far as I can get it, this bug aint going to be fixed.

  • Not a fan of this. I didn’t like displaying all of my categories because I have too many and I like my layout to be nice and tidy. Perhaps if WP made the option to make categories pull down like the plugin, that would work. But now I have to display my categories in order for people to find my writings on the same topic.

    That’s just straight up annoying.

  • Yeah, I’ve complained about this bug on multiple occasions but nobody cares :(

  • What’s the bug?
    Not having a drop-down or clicking on a category link in your own blog only shows the category posts of your blog?
    From reading this thread I’m not clear in what exactly the problem is.

  • Basically, post category links take you to a different place to sidebar category links, without any title attributes or differences in link text to tell you that this is the case. When you click on the category links on a post, it takes you out of your blog and onto the global page for that tag. Sidebar links still work normally; I’ve had to change my sidebar header to ‘Local tags’ to make the difference clear.

    This is confusing, violates accessibility guidelines, and all feedback on it (before your time, Podz, not blaming you) has been ignored.

  • Ah … makes sense.

    If the category under the post links to your posts in the same category, and the sidebar categories also link to the posts in your category then how might you – if you want – also go to find other people using that category / tag / call-it-what-you-want ?

    What you say is logical but if that change were to be made then people who like to see the Global tags might be annoyed if that is not available from their blog. The global tags are a good way of finding new blogs here.

    How can this please all of the people all of the time? Is there a workable solution for this? Are many people annoyed by this? – that is not a challenge for a pile of feedbacks :)

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