slow server, page parents

  • When I use the new editor you guys forced on us (if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it), then every time I edit a page, it “forgets” its parent. When will this be fixed?

    And if I try to use the old editor (because you can’t fix the parent issues with the new editor) it’s slower than hell.

    Come on, guys. I’m paying for this.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The classic editor isn’t slow for me at all. It’s the only one I use. Maybe you need to upgrade your browser version at or maybe you have a slow internet connection and need to discuss that with your ISP.

  • Slow internet connection? Really? If that was the issue, then everything would be slow, not just the old editor. Please don’t respond with the equivalent of “turn your computer off then back on” comments.

  • Hi again,
    I’m on a PC using Firefox 40 and I do not have the issue you are reporting when using the classic editor.

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  • Well, it shouldn’t be surprising that it might be slow for some and not for others. The fact is, it has been slow for weeks. I’ve not posted about it because I figured that surely wordpress would fix the issue at some point. They haven’t. It’s getting old.

    No, it’s not my browser. No, it’s not my internet connection. I wouldn’t be posting about it in the first place if it was those things.

    If I seem grouchy, it’s because I’m paying for a service that has gone downhill like crazy in the last few months. Again: it’s getting old.

    It seems obvious that wordpress doesn’t give a fig about its users any more.

    Thanks for the modlook advice.

  • This is one of those things that is hard to track down because we can’t replicate the issue and do not have other reports saying the same thing.

    Can you be more specific about what exactly is slow? Page loading? Pop-up boxes for links? Inserting media?

    In the interest of trying to eliminate likely culprits, can you try using another browser and letting me know if that changes anything?

  • Will do. What about the issue with the new editor (page parents being eliminated when I edit the page)?

  • So, just to make sure I’m understanding this correctly:

    You have a child page. You go to edit that child page in the new editor. Once edited, the child page no longer has a parent. And this is all with Chrome?

  • Long story short, a bug report has been filed. I have no timeline for a fix, but we’re aware of it.

    Thanks for your reporting.

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