Slideshow/gallery very slow loading, images resized, what else??

  • Hi all,
    My website is used for reference mainly (not so much for attracting new customers) so the photos are very important as people are logging on to choose a villa or to see more of one they’ve booked.

    The slieshows of each villas page previously displayed fine on a PC, even though some are pretty big file sizes. The newer pages I’ve added have much smaller files, around 500kb images, yet they also seem to take a long time to load now, and I’m getting feedback from customers that they aren’t loading at all on tablets and phones. The slideshow space just starts as a black square and takes anything up to a minute to show the first image, then it works fine.

    Any ideas what’s happening or how to resolve it? (I am not very tech savvy!)

    I intend to resize all of the photos on the website in time, but will be starting with the villa galleries that still have the larger images on.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Please? Anyone any ideas where to begin in fixing this?

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