Slider widget (Home 1 – MH Magazine)

  • Dears,
    Since this morning, without any action from my side, I have an issue on my homepage in the wirdget Home 1 (Slider Widget).
    On each of the 10 slider the Excerpt Character is displayed in white color instead of black…as a result, the reader cannot read it…
    How can this be changed as it was before?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there Pierre,

    Well, if you can’t find anything in the MH theme settings or the widget you’re using to create that slider to help with the font color issue, you could add this to your custom CSS:

    .mh-excerpt {
        color: #000;
    .slide-title {
        color: #000;

    In order to add custom CSS you’ll need to be on the Premium plan

  • apologies, I don’t know how that line got in there between the two bits of code. Please ignore my last post, and use this code instead:

    .mh-excerpt {
        color: #000;
    .slide-title {
        color: #000;
  • This forum really really needs a post edit feature =]

  • Sorry @jameswelbes, there used to be an edit function that timed out at 5 minutes, I believe. There was some abuse at one time and that was taken away. No worries on having to repost due to an error though. It happens. :)

  • hopefully I’ll be in a better habit of proof reading before I hit submit. I developed a bad habit on the google product forum of click submit now, proof read later in an attempt to be the first to answer haha.

  • Hey guys,
    Thank you so much, problem solved!

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