slider not navigating to next posts (organization theme)

  • Hi there,

    We have had previously problem in setting up slider on the front page of our site however that issue has been resolved with the help of wp staff. Problem now is that getting front page slider navigate to next posts that we want to appear on the front page. We have put in place several posts with tag names in place but we cant get them appear there. Only one post appears there otherwise there are no navigation arrows or any auto sliding happening. Any ideas/solution for this? Please help!

    (our site is:

    Thanks, ALI

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Be sure the same tag is assigned to each post you want in the slider, and that each post has a featured image at least 980 by 520 pixels. Note the full instructions under the heading “Homepage Image Gallery”

    When you purchase a premium theme you have access to its premium own support forum here if you need further help

  • what do you mean same tag is assigned to each post? of course we add first each post’s title in the “tags” box and then copy same title to the featured content but then again only one post appears there. picture size is as you indicated (980 by 520).

  • Hi, may be nobody have not yet noticed the above post. We are actually desperately seeking for help with regards to the slider navigation. We appreciate any hand to this matter. front page slider do not navigate to next posts, only one post with featured image (980*520) and tag name can appear, others don’t. We did set up all other posts same as the one that appears but unfortunately they don’t slide. we appreciate any help.

  • Hi, may be nobody have not yet noticed the above post. We are actually desperately seeking for help with regards to the slider navigation. We appreciate any hand to this matter. front page slider do not navigate to next posts, only one post with featured image (980*520) and tag name can appear, others don’t. We did set up all other posts same as the one that appears but unfortunately they don’t slide. we appreciate any help.

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