Size/capacity of wordpress blog

  • Hi, I’m a Belgian woman and I would like to know what the capacity/maximum size is of a wordpress blog and if I can check this out for my blog.
    How many posts and features can one add on his/her blog until it says “stop, your blog is full”. How big/long can a “page” be ?
    Can I find this info in your support section ?
    Pardon me if my English is poor. I don’t use it every day ;o-)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I;’ve never heard of someone hitting their max, and I’ve been here six years and ha

  • SORRY it cut out early

    I have a post with more than 2000 comments. I wouldn’t worry about the uploads unless they were audio or video in which case I might get those specific upgrades.a

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