size of the database and the bandwidth used

  • Can WP support tell the size of the database in use and the amount of bandwidth a blog uses?

    I was looking around various external hosting options and I cannot tell which the minimum set of requirement I should start with based on the size of the SQL database I currently may have, and the bandwidth my blog consumes.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The size of the database is directly proportional to the amount of content in the site. When you first start out, the database is tiny (actual file size). As you add content, it grows. This is also dependent on the number of images and media files you upload and how well you optimize them before you upload them. If you upload images right out of a camera and do not optimize them in a image editing program to reduce the file size, you might be uploading 6mb images and can eat up a lot of storage space quickly.

    If you choose one of the hosts listed at , there won’t be any problem because they all offer unlimited storage and bandwidth.

    Bandwidth is another thing that is dependent. It is dependent on the number of hits you get, but it is also dependent on the number of spams you get and the number of web bots (search engines and other things) that visit your site. I’ve had to restrict a number of web bots in the robots.txt file because they were using way too much bandwidth (visiting the same links over and over again). There are also spam bots, and they can eat bandwidth also by trying over and over and over and over again to post spam on your posts and pages. This also depends on the number of images and media files you upload and use in your blog posts and pages.

    Bottom line, there is no way to really give any sort of meaningful answer as things is too variable.

    I’ve set up a number of sites on a hosting service that has a 750mb storage limit and they have been running for a few years now and not reached the 750mb storage limit. In fact, they aren’t even close.

  • Also, I don’t believe that has anyway to determine the bandwidth consumed by your blog. I just don’t think it is something they track given the 10s of millions of blogs here.

  • We don’t track bandwidth, but most hosting providers will allow you to easily upgrade if you hit the limit, and some offer unlimited bandwidth.

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