Size of photos

  • Hi, I have just started bloging and I really havent much of a clue, I have viewed other blogs and the photos are large…however mine upload tiny…i tried the advice given about draggin it from another window into the post..however it ended up HUGE!!!!!!
    Please help!!!

  • That advice (which was mine) included the option for thumbnails, because that’s what the blogger who asked wanted.

    Go to your Settings > Media and change the default image size to whatever you prefer.

    For the images you have already uploaded, go to the visual post editor, click on the image, click the mountain icon that appears, change the size option, click update, save.

  • Thanks heaps I will give it a go!!!

  • Stupid question mybe but where is the visual post editor..cant find it

  • Go to manage > posts and click on the title of the post you wish to edit. The post will open in the visual editor unless you have disabled the visual editor.

  • Okay maybe I have done it all wrong, as in the post I went to add image…it created a gallery….I tried changing the thumbnail size in the settings and it plonked them all ontop of eachother…if I click on the image in the gallery it just takes me to a new window…no mountain icon for size.

    Is there another way of putting image into the posts other than add image???
    All the photography ones I have looked at have big images? Im confused!!

  • – No, images are only uploaded via the “Add an Image” button.

    – If you upload more than one image at once, then the only option you get is inserting them as a gallery (because the whole point of the gallery feature is batch processing). But you can edit the gallery attributes too (such as size & number of images per row), or cancel the gallery. Since you’re posting images all the time, the gallery may be very useful to you (but it also has some drawbacks or bugs).

    – If you upload the images one by one, you also get the “Insert into post” option (no gallery), with which you can handle each image individually.

    – The “mountain” icon for editing images appears when you click on an image IN YOUR POST EDITOR, not in your published post itself.

    – Your images are awefully large: they take too long to show up if one clicks for the original, and you unnecessarily waste uploading space.

    – So far I’m unable to understand what size you want for the images in your posts. Tell me that, make up your mind as to gallery or no gallery, and also point to a specific post of yours that we can use as an example if you want more detailed help.

  • “Is there another way of putting image into the posts other than add image?”

    Yes, there is. You can host your pictures at a photo hosting site such as Flickr or Photobucket or what have you. There you’ll get an URL for each picture that you can paste into yor post or page.

  • Hey guys thanks heaps for the input…I have been saving my pics through photoshop and going save for web…these are obviously too large and yep Ive used half my megabytes for the month in uploading them!!!!:( How do I save them so they are smaller without loosing too much quality?
    The size I would like my photos to be are like on the following blog

    I am very new to all this thanks so much for your patience and getting back to me!!!!!

  • @schmid:

    When I wrote my first remark above, I was sure someone would come up with that… Do you think that for someone who is still unsure where her visual editor is or how to manage her images it is advisable to add a further complication? Spare us, please!


    There are several things you must sort out, including some decisions on the appearance of your blog.

    – You’re using a variable width theme while the blog you suggested has a 2-column fixed-width theme; you’d better switch to such a theme, because they handle large images better.

    – You must make copies of your images and scale them down in your computer, using an image editing application (how this can be done is outside the scope of this forum). Here you can find information on the maximum width advisable for each theme:
    Once you do that for the images of a post, you can go to your Media Library, delete the huge ones you have uploaded and upload the new ones, so that post-by-post you’ll gradually free the space you have wasted.

    – Here’s some information on uploading images:
    And here on galleries:
    (Note that uploading images one by one or using the gallery feature makes no difference as to the desired size: both ways allow you to have images that fill the available theme width.)

    – Even with scaled-down images, your main page will be rather heavy for the browsers, since you still want them large enough and since all your posts have a group of images. You should consider either posting thumbnails that lead to the larger original when you clik on them or reducing the number of posts shown in the main page (in Settings > Reading).

    I suggest you deal with the above first, and we’ll be back for more technicalities once you’ve cleared things up.

  • panaghiotisadam thanks for your advice above – whether or not it has helped skyblue it has helped me so thanks!

  • Thanks panaghiotisadam…you are a bit of a guru at this!!!!!! Im hopinf this gets easier as time goes on…I will let you know how I go.

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