Site Title Question

  • I was wondering if there was a way to change the blog site title (what’s seen in the actual browser, located near “File” at the top) being different from what is seen in the actual title on the blog header on the page. I was wondering the same for the blog description. I was wondering for SEO optimization.

    My blog is located at

    Also, I don’t know if this will help, I don’t think it will, but I do have access to custom CSS.

    Thanks in advance!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Sounds like you mean the URL. In order to change the URL, you either need to register a different blog and import the contents to it or you need the domain upgrade, which will let you use instead of

    For SEO optimization, DO NOT CHANGE YOUR URL ever. There are lots of other good reasons to change it, but not that one.

  • The site title and the “tagline” (description) are set under settings > general in your dashboard. You can change it to anything you want.

  • Also, CSS is a document that defines styling for the different page elements and your browser uses that to display your blog. It does not allow you to change functionality.

  • I’m sorry. I did a real bad job at explaining that. What I want to do is have two different titles, so to speak. I want the red arrow pointing up to read “Billy Moses’ Official Website”, and the read arrow pointing sideways to just keep as is reading “Billy Moses”. In short, I’m trying to add the words “Official Website to where the red arrow point up is. I hope this clears up what I’m trying to do. Please reference the following image:

  • That’s easy. Follow the instructions TSP gave you in his first answer.

  • I’m only trying to change what the top one says though. If I go to settings > general, edit the site title, it changes both to the same thing.

  • Ah, thanks for the clarification. Sorry to say, that is not possible.

  • Ok, thanks anyway.

  • Actually, it isn’t going to work here. What you put into the “title” field at settings > general is going to show in both locations. If we had a page title field at wordpress.COM then you could set a different title that would show in the browser title bar, and then also set a different title at the top of the blog, but we don’t.

    That is possible with a self-hosted blog, but would require a plugin to do it, such as “all in one SEO pack.”

    Whatever title you decide on will show in both locations.

    Although, there are a few themes here that allow you to hide the title and tagline. You could then put the title and tagline directly into your header image. Take a look at this post by Panos which will list which themes you can hide the title text in.

    Header images

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