Site stats missing visitor by country info

  • I’ve noticed that the “visitors by country” stats are missing from my site statistics. I checked documentation for and they are supposed to be in there – right? I know that some visitors won’t show up, but out of 78 unique visitors in a day, I would think at least one country of origin would appear?

    No country info in either old version stats or the new version of stats.

    I am looking in WP Admin, Site Stats, and seeing a bar graph of days/weeks/months of numbers of visitors, below that Referrers, Top Pages & Posts, Search Engine Terms, Clicks, Totals, Followers & Shares, and Comments. When I expand “Screen Options,” no country stats appear as an option.

    Is something amiss, or have I missed news of a downgrade removing this statistic? Thanks for any guidance.

    My site is

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