site renewed but doesn't work

  • Hi ! The site has been renewed extremely shortly after the expiry date. However, it’s still not operational, and people who log on have a message saying “ recently expired! Oh no!” .

    What can I do for the site is available again quickly ? Thanks for your help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • If your domain has expired, I’m afraid things aren’t so straightforward as you might like them to be. Did you buy the domain at In that case I would contact them and ask them if you could still recover the domain.

    @kokkieh, a staff member, mentioned in another similar forum post:

    Expired domains don’t become available immediately, but go through a process of about 90 days before they are released. As part of this process your registrar might try selling the domain privately at auction, and at a certain point it enters a phase called Redemption during which you need to pay an additional fee to get it back.


    If you still have an option to recover the domain at your original registrar, I advise you do that as soon as possible, before the domain enters into Redemption.

    You can find the original thread/post here

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