Site Maps and Google Web Master Tools Help

  • I am attempting to set up Google Webmaster Tools – I am to the step where they are asking me to set up a site map. I have searched the forums for site map and am coming up empty handed.

    For sites do we need to submit a site map? Since I am a daily poster this could potentially mean I would have to update it each day and that doesn’t seem logical.

    Any assistance is appreciated.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • @readytochangenow
    Stop please and use only the instructions here > They are the only instructions that apply to blogs. Ignore all others.

    Also know that every free hosted blog already has a sitemap automatically submitted to Google – you do nothing.

  • For sites do we need to submit a site map?

    Already done for you – nothing for you to do – updated automatically each time you make a new Post.

  • Stopping, stopping.

    I used that topic to verify my site (it worked perfect) but then they were walking me through this 11 step checklist that was way above my head.

    I am so relieved I don’t have to do all of that – though I have been reading help files for hours.

    I really hate not understanding something. I am closing windows and walking away slowly.

    Thank you both.

  • Blogging is not relaxing!!!!!!!!

    OK – I am going to go put on some nice French Cafe music and do something not blogging related – even though I am wondering why no data was found on my site – I am going to let it go for tonight.

    Thank you timethief as always – I am off to breathe and chant :-)

  • I never said blogging was relaxing. Anything we do online comes with a heavy addiction risk and newbies go through at least 4 distinct stages I’m considering blogging about. TIP: the minute you notice you are obsessing get up and take walk out in the fresh air – breathe – chant and/or- beat your drum. :)

  • Oops! I forgot to share the chant of the liberated blogger with you. Repeat slowly many times until your blood pressure subsides … It’s only a blog.

  • LOL – thank you – I do tend to obsess occasionally, once in a while. The fact I am still here typing in this chat is a sign of that.

    Now that I have the chant, I am really leaving. I still need to walk for 30 minutes today.

    I am looking forward to your post about the four stages; I am curious where I am after 6 weeks :-)


  • That link for Webmaster Tools worked for me when I woke up enough to realize you have to use the HTML instead of Visual editor. I don’t do coding so copy and paste didn’t do any good until I clicked the right tab. Sometimes things aren’t intuitive enough without a programming background or more experience. Hope this was useful.

  • That link for Webmaster Tools worked for me when I woke up enough to realize you have to use the HTML instead of Visual editor. I don’t do coding so copy and paste didn’t do any good until I clicked the right tab. Sometimes things aren’t intuitive enough without a programming background or more experience. Hope this was useful.

  • oops, sorry for double post.

  • @aquamarineswan
    Not to worry. I’m glad the instructions worked for you. Best wishes with your blog.

  • @aquamarineswan thank you – I think that is part of my challenge. I worked in software user assistance for quite a few years and while it was on the end-user side, I still tend to jump in with both feet.

    Most of the time immersion is the best way to learn – but I misjudged the depth of this pool. :-)

    @timethief – I am breathing normally now and ready to enjoy a balanced day.

    Thank you everyone for your help.

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