site editing not working and the link to contact support is not working for me

  • I cannot edit whether a post is sticky or not, I cannot edit menus properly and I the “I didn’t find the right answer” link at is not even working for me.

    My theme is Triton Lite. I have tried switching to other themes to no avail and have also tried in both firefox and chrome and tried resetting cookies and cache.

    I feel a bit like I am in a room where everyone can see me but noone can hear me. It is painfully frustrating.

    Please someone help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Have you tried:

    yes I’ve tried everything suggested, including trying 3 different browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari – all up to date) and as well from Firefox and Chrome on my Android phone. I have even tried changing the theme but I still have the same issues.

  • Is it possible that you are logged in with a username that does not have Admin privileges?

    If you are logged in with the correct username, can you please say exactly what happens when you try each scenario?

    Do you see the Post Visibility in the Publish module? If you do and try to edit the post to a “sticky”, what exactly happens?

    Same for the other scenarios (custom menu, changing theme, etc.)

  • This is the only username I have for, it is set to Admin and I haven’t (to my knowledge) ever changed anything regards this since signing up to

    Editing Post Visibility:

    Yes, I can see the Visibility part of the Publish module but when I click on ‘edit’ the screen rolls so that I am looking further down the page. this happens on all browsers, both Mac and Android.

    Editing Menus:

    I can access the Menu section and I can make new menus and remove or edit items in any menu. I can also add Links to the menus but when I click on the Categories or Tags dropdowns nothing happens.

    Editing Widgets:

    Although I have information in a few widgets and it is displaying correctly on my site I am completely unable to edit anything to do with them.

    I haven’t explored anything else but tbh these issues are pretty crippling as my site layout depended on them.

    Cheers for you help.

  • ps. just noticed that when I go to nothing displays even though I am logged in.

  • Do also make sure that your Flash is up to date

    I’ve tagged this for Staff assistance. Please be patient while waiting for them to reply.

  • I have several questions that might help narrow things down.

    1. How are you connecting to the internet and to Have you tried connecting to your account from more than one location?

    2. Are you using http:// or https:// when you connect to (see )

    3. Do you have third party cookies enabled in your browser(s)?

    4. Do you have JavaScript enabled?

    5. Have you had any recent operating system and/or security program updates?

    6. Do you experience any difficulty using other websites with online forms or other user input functionality?

  • Thanks a lot folks.

    @jackiedana I’m only on mobile possibly til Monday now so I’ll go through your list and get back to you as soon as I have access to a desktop machine and broadband connection again.

    Hope that’s ok?


  • Please let me know how it goes.

  • Hey.

    Sorry to take so long to get back about this – very very busy week!

    So I checked on a broadband connection at my work and I was able to edit fine.

    Where I am having issues is when I tether to my phone or try to edit from my phone (galaxy s4 on 3 uk). This is my home and mobile connection so what I use most of the time.

    The odd thing is I have previously (same provider/OS/phone) been able to edit just fine from this connection. Had a hunt around in the phone settings to no avail.

    Just wondering how I can fix this? Is there anything I can do from the WordPress side?

    Thanks for your help!

  • Please check all of the things that I mentioned in my previous post to see if anything helps, and let me know. It really sounds a lot like a javascript or third-party cookie issue. If none of my suggestions help, it could be a connection/ISP issue, but I’d like to rule out browser/computer issues first.

  • Sorry, to be clearer:

    1. How are you connecting to the internet and to Have you tried connecting to your account from more than one location?

    It is only via my 3 uk mobile connection (tethering or on android phone) that I am


    to edit as normal. Please see my last post.

    2. Are you using http:// or https:// when you connect to (see )
    I have tried both of these from the connection from which I am having the problems and it makes no difference.

    3. Do you have third party cookies enabled in your browser(s)?

    4. Do you have JavaScript enabled?

    5. Have you had any recent operating system and/or security program updates?

    6. Do you experience any difficulty using other websites with online forms or other user input functionality?

  • It sounds to me that it could be a connection issue with your ISP, particularly since you can edit fine when at work.

    The next time you try to connect via your phone, could you run a traceroute to determine whether or not your connection is the issue? You can post the results here.

    Advanced Browser Troubleshooting

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