Since Guided Transfer my site is NOT working correctly

  • Guided transfer failed

    Hi I paid for and had a Guided Transfer take place on my site overnight Australian time. Since then members are emailing me saying none of their posts are showing since last night. I cant make a new page, it tells me Im not authorized to even see the preview.I am the one and only admin.

    I have emailed support I am supposed to get which is included and nobody has replied.You think the first day I could contact someone with teething problems.This is not good enough, I have a large site that was working one day and now is not, through no fault of my own…Not happy guys.

    I got an email saying the transfer was starting about 3am, then another saying it was finished about 7am or thereabouts. Since then I have had problems and no help from support
    Blog url:

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there – I’m sorry there are issues with your site since the Guided Transfer. I’ve found your support ticket and will bring it to the attention of the Guided Transfer team right now.

  • Thanks, in the meantime, nobody’s comments are showing on my site for the second day running, this is very upsetting to me.

    I was told the changeover would be transparent, now I have my supporters all feeling locked out…It is like a ghost town and I usually average 10,000 + visits a day

  • Still heard nothing from support Kathy

  • I am very unhappy with this guided transfer and 2 week assistance.It is non existent, my members comments are not showing, they cant log in, messages have disappeared, what is going on?

    You have NOT returned one email. I was led to believe by your guided transfer page that this would be seamless, and we have had nothing but trouble. There was no mention anywhere on the page that says I might have to wait up to 72 hours for DNS transfers etc?

    My community was left in the dark because I said the transfer would be not even noticed…

    $129 to be left in the dark


  • To quote from your own Guided Transfer page

    How long does the Guided Transfer take?
    A Guided Transfer occurs over a 24 hour period. Once you purchase the upgrade, a Happiness Engineer will work with you to set up a day (during the work week) to perform the transfer. The entire process is transparent to your readers.

    That is the disappointing thing, far from seamless. Without being meaning to be big noting, but this isn’t a small personal little blog, I have over 4 million visitors, a very busy site that has stopped to a crawl and I cant contact anyone

  • Hew sent a reply to you about 15 hours ago. Did you not receive it?

    You might want to check your email’s spam folder.

    I’ll re-send it, and if you have any further questions, please reply to the email as Hew is watching your case.

  • Hi mac, yes that email this morning does not help me though. Where are all my comments, and why cant my members log in? WE already know the DNS changes were done successfully.

    here is the email in full. Its not good you guys telling me everything “Looks good” when Im at my site and Im (and my readers via email who cant log in) telling you it is NOT looking good is it?

    I’ve fully reviewed your site just now and all appears to be correct. The new site is functioning correctly and it looks like you pointed your domain over to it correctly.

    The domain change you made takes time to spread, and there’s a good change you were seeing the old ( site one or more of those times. Domain changes can take up to 72 hours to fully take effect across the internet (usually 24 hours or less). Until it reaches you, the new usernames and passwords we sent won’t work because you’ll be looking at your old site.

    Let me know if you have any additional questions.

    James | and IntenseDebate

  • Ok, would you please reply to the email? The Guided Transfer department are really the best folks to help you with this, but they won’t know that you need help if you don’t reply to the email.

  • I have replied, how many people am I dealing with.I got emails from mike who did the transfer and he not replied to any of the emails.He is the one that said contact him for questions and help? How many emails am I supposed to send.

  • We’re investigating this right now and will be back to you momentarily.

    Hew S.
    Happiness Engineer
    Automattic |

    And nobody did despite my replies. This is a very confusing setup.I should be assigned one person with an email address I can write to, I have worked my guts out on my site for 2 years not to have this happen and I lose my supporters guys…

  • Besides the reply that you just sent, we haven’t receive anything from you since Hew send the reply that I just re-sent to you. (I am James, by the way.)

    Either Hew or Mike will be following up with you in a few hours.

    Sorry for the delay!

  • Im asking pretty simple questions am I not?

  • Only the Guided Transfer department has access to your blog and hosting account to troubleshoot the issue.

  • well I have replied I’ll get the email log if you want. Its too confusing all these different people.
    I replied yesterday at 4.31pm and 6.07pm as well as today, when you get an email saying they will get back to you shortly, it would seem that no further email from me is required with the other ones?

    I was told I would have a happiness engineer, not a range of people to confuse the issue. Im pretty tolerant but this is driving me crazy seeing it is a paid service, the contact avenues are terrible.

    I shall eagerly await the help I need James, from hew, Michael, anyone, I just want the site running smooth like it was before you guys touched it to be honest.Thanks for your assistance though


  • yeah but James, where is the email on the site to contact them directly, even with my job number or whatever.There is none.maybe it is something that needs to be looked at

  • You’re welcome! Sorry for the delay, and now that we do have a reply from you on your Guided Transfer email thread, Hew or Michael will be able to help you out soon.

  • There is no direct contact, just reply to your existing email thread if you need further help.

  • Good on you, at least my frustration levels have reduced, having had contact with you…Good job, I see you are very busy around here


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