Sidebard Lost

  • I had a long sidebar on (k2 theme) with lots of links, searches that found the blog.

    Just now, while copying links from my old blog, the entire sidebar lost.

    Is there any way to retrieve my sidebar, or do I have to start all over again with it?

  • i’ve experienced that – edited a text widget and my whole sidebar gone. contacted support and they said they couldn’t do anything about it. you could contact support and try your luck. otherwise, search your blog through google and hopefully you can find a cached version and retrieve the lost information.

  • This is a recurring bug I wish would get fixed.

    It happened to me and I freaked right out at first, but a member here gave me the goods:

    If you check the bottom of the widget page, you’ll find your sidebar items all piled up there. You’ll have to re-build your sidebar manually, but at least you won’t have to dig out all those links and re-type in all that text.

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