Sidebar problem on blaskan

  • Hey,
    i can set my sidebar but it´s not showing. Its only work the the footbar but i dont want it there.

    Screenshot 01
    Screenshot 02
    Screenshot 03

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I can see that this forum post has been resolved, do you still need help?

    I’ve looked through your website and viewed your screenshots, but I’m still not completely clear what your end goal is and where exactly you are running into trouble.

    Which information from your first screenshot are you trying to put in your sidebar? Which exact steps are you taking to set this up, and when exactly do things go wrong?

    With more concrete information, I’ll be able to better guide you.

    Thanks for your help!

  • @koulovat,

    I can see that this forum post has been resolved, do you still need help?

    This topic is marked “not resolved.” You’ve responded to several, perhaps as many as ten, unresolved topics today with the same incorrect statement. Please try to be more careful.

  • The topic ‘Sidebar problem on blaskan’ is closed to new replies.