sidebar plugin

  • Sorry to be so dense, but I don’t know what a div element is, what xhtml is, etc. So I don’t understand how to center.

    Could someone give an exact example with XXXXX as the URL, so I could copy and replace the XXXX with my url and center it?

  • <center><img src=”XXXXX”></img></center>

  • planetpooks, I’m sorry for the late answer. just forgot to bookmark this topic and it took some time to prepare and thoroughly examine an example by myself to be assured it works as intended.

    so, if you need something like what you can see on my sidebar, then here it is (at appeared rather simple):

    <div align="center"><img ... /></div>

    PS to drmike: no dice w/ <center>: either for xHTML validity or, perhaps, security reasons wpcom just stripes <center> tags ;-)

  • PS to drmike: no dice w/ <center>: either for xHTML validity or, perhaps, security reasons wpcom just stripes <center> tags ;-)

    Strange, it worked in the past. I guess it doesn’t now. Sorry about that.

    We need to work on a list of what tags are and are not allowed. I know some people have had issues with <div>‘s disappearing in the past as well.

  • I agree, a list of striped <tags> and attributes would be rather helpful for the FAQ as it should potentially shortcut any text formatting related questions.

    as of yesterday <div>s weren’t striped (yet haven’t checked today ;-) whereas a <span> tag (together with inline style attribute) is striped for sure, thus preventing any text formatting inside a paragraph (apparently <span> is not secure).

  • Thank you both, DrMike and Options — for the “code for dummies” help!

    I have another sidebar plugin question (she asked, as they ran screaming into traffic…)

    I got the code from statcounter to use as a sidebar widget and it’s working — but some of the code is visible. I’m not sure what’s wrong. You can see the visible part in my sidebar:

    Can I post the code here or do I need to make changes to it before posting it to a board? (Will the code itself do something weird when uploaded?)

  • these are bits of a javascript code, but since it’s not allowed to be executed, it’s rendered as a plain text.

    to post code here just put it in between backtick symbols: “`”

  • Thanks. Here is the code:

    <!-- Start of StatCounter Code -->

    var sc_project=1450545;
    var sc_invisible=0;
    var sc_partition=13;
    var sc_security="916c07b8";

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=";java=0&amp;security=916c07b8&amp;invisible=0" alt="counter create hit" border="0"></a>
    <!-- End of StatCounter Code -->

  • looks weird: either smth is missing or instead those vars are spare items.

    just drop that lines, which begin with var word.

  • Try adding it as a link. You have the URL for the URL portion of the link as well as the IMG portion. Should work.

    Either that or use the one we mention in the FAQ.

    edit: Thinking about expanding the FAQ. Time is currently rather hard to come by right about now though. Matt isn’t the only one with expansion plans on the front burner.

  • drmike, yet again I don’t know quite what you’re telling me to do. (I know, I know. Sigh.)

    I’ll look at the FAQ again — I was trying statcounter because I’ve used it before and liked it.

  • Go to Dashboard -> Bookmarks -> Add bookmarks

    URL: http: // (Note space added to get it to show up here. Make sure you don’t put it in there.)

    Name: StatCounter
    Description: counter create hit

    Click open the Advanced tab.

    Image URI: http: //
    (Again, space added to get it to show up here. Make sure you delete it when you carry it over)

    Assign it to a category.

    Click on Add bookmark.

    Remember that the sidebars are cached so it may take a few minutes to show up.

    Hope this helps,

  • Hi
    I’m not certain if this discussion is still active but it’s relevant to my question so I’ll try here before starting a new thread.
    What I’m trying to do is also adding code into the sidebar – in my case, to add a ‘subscribe to bloglines’ button, rather than statcounter, but i figure the steps would be the same. but i’m confused, i think. i tried what someone said in this thread, about adding as a bookmark or link, with category, and making visible. But mine didn’t appear. The code for making it appear (which I got from the Bloglines site) is
    <img src=”” border=”0″ alt=”Subscribe with Bloglines” />

    The code you guys seem to be working with is a URL (http://…) – which can be ‘read’ as a bookmark, but mine can’t.
    Anyone have a suggestion?

  • It might not be appearing anymore because we no longer have control over displaying images within a link.

    Best bet would be to create a text widget and copy and paste the html in there.

    Hope this helps,

  • You need to split the bookmark (if you’re using the bookmark) into sections. There’s something stange about the link given above and I can’t get into Bloglines right now to figure it out, but try this:

    In the Name box put “Subscribe to Bloglines”.

    In the Address box put the URL for the subscribe to bloglines.

    In the Description box put anything you like.

    Now scroll down the page and in the “image address” box put:

    See if that works.

    Fingers crossed!

  • Hi Cornell, DrMike, anyone else… nope, I’m not quite there. I put in the image code you suggested there, and the same for a technorati one, but something’s not right. Take a look; lower left sidebar.

  • I took them off; looked sloppy. I’ll do some hunting for step-by-step on Google

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