Sidebar or Navigation Possibility

  • I’m struggling to understand sidebars and how to use them. Is it possible to add a sidebar or footer to a particular page?

    I’m looking to have a sidebar or footer that “floats” on the side or bottom of the page at all times that contains links to parts of the page. So I want viewers to be able to move between parts of particular pages quickly and easily without having to scroll up or down to the very top or bottom of a page to do so. Is this possible?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello!

    The availability of a sidebar and footer widget areas for a page depends on the theme. Some themes offer it, some themes offer it for certain page templates, and some themes do not offer it.

    As you are thinking about how you want your layout to work, keep in mind that layout changes with the size of the display or browser window. And as layout changes, sidebars can move or disappear.

    Through the Customizer, you can get a device preview of how the layout is likely to change from computer display to tablet to phone.

    See an animated demo at this link, under the Customizer Controls subheading:

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