Sidebar at blogpage (homepage)

  • How can I have the sidebar at the blogpage which is homepage. I hope somebody can help me with this question.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Yes you can. Try following the steps below:

    1. Visit:
    2. go to pages on left admin menu
    3. Select required page
    4. select required template under the page attribute
    5. Save

    Change theme if you cannot find desired result

  • Hi there!

    According to the Baskerville 2 support guide:

    Baskerville 2 offers four widget areas:

    – The optional Sidebar, which appears on the right in single posts and pages using the default template.
    – Three optional Footer widget areas.

    This means that if you want a sidebar to appear on the homepage, it needs to be a different page from the blog page. It looks like the blog page is not supported by the sidebar feature.

  • hi christelschat

    The theme you are using allow you to have three columns as you are having three columns on the home page so you cannot have sidebar on this page, you can have sidebar on single post or single page for more information on this refer to the link:

    If you want your sidebar on the home page then you can create your homepage as the static home page and add content to it as it will be a single page now then you will be able to add sidebar to it.
    To know how to create a static page, here’s is the guide for that :

    Hope this helps, feel free to ask if you have anything else.

  • Thanks for the answers, so I understand it correctly that it’s not possible using this theme and having a sidebar at the homepage which is the blogpage.

  • christelschat – that’s correct, as long as your homepage is set to display your latest posts, as opposed to a static page.

    Most themes designed with a grid of posts for the blog, like Baskerville 2, do not come with a sidebar in that view, because it looks too busy visually.

    If you want a theme that has the option to display a sidebar next to your latest posts, you’d need to select a different theme, like Penscratch 2 or Twenty Sixteen.

    Let me know if you need help with anything else.

  • You can adjust sidebar widget from customize option.

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