Showing subcategories under main categories in the sidebar

  • Hi,

    I saw some similar posts, but none asking this exact question, so I’m decided to try and hope for an “it’s possible” answer…

    I’d like my side bar to show subcategories under categories, not to have them all alphabetized together. For example:

    -Red Sox
    -White Sox

    Instead of (what it currently shows):

    Red Sox
    White Sox

    I’ve tried several different themes and I can’t find one that does this. Is there a way I can change the sidebar widget? Or is there a theme that takes advantage of the categories and subcategories organization?


  • I’m not sure and it’s something I would be interested in knowing. Not that it would make me switch themes, I use Regulus and it doesn’t differentiate the sub-categories, but it’s only a minor irritant for me.


  • I had it to differentiate with Regulus but my category list was way too long in my sidebar. I just copied and pasted right from the category widget and created an index page.

    I looked at your page source info and there is a difference between what is in your category widget and what’s on my index page (copied from my widget). I have a class=”children” designation which sets up the hierarchy and you don’t. You just have a straight list even though I see you have created subcategories. I have no clue how you can fix this or if someone “behind the scenes” needs to take a look.

    Perhaps this is something you can check. Look at the page source and see if you have class=”children” in the code for your category list.

    Hope this helps.

    FYI for those reading: I view page source in Firefox by right-clicking and choosing “View Page Source”.

  • If you’re using the category widget, make sure the hierarchy check box is marked and saved. Dashboard -> Presentation -> Sidebar Widgets.

    If you’re not using widgets, then you’re stuck with however the theme designer created their theme.

  • Thanks drmike. Couldn’t remember how I did it.

  • Not a problem. :)

  • Thanks drmike, I’ll take a look.


  • Perfect. Thank you Dr. Mike!

  • If you need step by step instruction you will find it here

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