Showing category titles in spun theme

  • and then how does the mobile user follow?

  • I can see a Follow button on your blog in the right sidebar. You may also wish to add a Follow Blog option so people can sign up via email.

    Some features will appear differently on the mobile version of the site due to space limitations. In the case of your follow button, it appears below the main content of the site along with your categories.

    Users who are logged in to can also follow your blog using their admin bar at the top of the page, both on a desktop and on a mobile version of the site.

  • Hi there,

    Just wanted to let you know that the following rule in your Custom CSS:

    .icon {
    	display: none;

    is hiding the menu and sidebar toggle icons in Flounder (that is why the menu and sidebar were hidden when you viewed your site on your phone using Flounder). So if you want the menu and sidebar to be accessible in Flounder in the mobile view, just remove that rule and it should work properly.

    If you wanted to hide the post format icons (which from what I gather from the thread is the reason you have that rule in place), then try this:

    .hentry .format-icon {
        display: none;

    The “.icon” class is used in multiple places in the theme, but “.hentry .format-icon” will only apply to the post format icons.

    That said, since you have “display: none” on “.entry-meta”, you don’t really need the “display: none” rule on .icon or “.hentry .format-icon”, since by hiding “.entry-meta”, that also hides the post format icons.

    Hope this helps! If you have more questions, let us know.

  • Hi
    No that didn’t work the way I wanted. Shawna gave me the code that I wanted – to remove all the ‘stuff’ on the side and widen the column for the text. So far the changing of the mobile info worked.
    *I do have a question – is there anyway to change the text color on my follow button to something darker without changing the rest of the background text? I just want that one changed. But if I change it then the rest of the colors text that is linked to that one changes too.
    Please let me know

  • Hi
    I have 2 questions:
    1. is there anyway to change the text color on my follow button to something darker without changing the rest of the background text? I just want that one changed. But if I change it then the rest of the colors text that is linked to that one changes too
    2. if I’ve connected to facebook can the people who follow my blog have access to my facebook page?

  • Does anyone have an answer to these questions?

  • I have another question – is there a way that followers can sign up for specific topics within a blog? i.e. if someone only wants to see info on dogs they only get posts that are related to that category?

  • Sorry for the delay. Here are the answers to your questions:

    1. is there anyway to change the text color on my follow button to something darker without changing the rest of the background text? I just want that one changed. But if I change it then the rest of the colors text that is linked to that one changes too

    You can use the CSS code below. You can replace the color code with any of the colors available at

    .wf-active button, .wf-active input[type="reset"], .wf-active input[type="submit"] {
    font-size: 14px;
    color: #000;

    2. if I’ve connected to facebook can the people who follow my blog have access to my facebook page?

    If your Facebook page is public anyone can have access to it. The Facebook Publicize option is just to share your post automatically to your Facebook page. You can read more about it at

    I have another question – is there a way that followers can sign up for specific topics within a blog? i.e. if someone only wants to see info on dogs they only get posts that are related to that category?

    At this point they can only follow your entire blog. However, visitors can simply enter any RSS Feed URL (like in their RSS reader to follow a specific category. Our Reader doesn’t support this yet. We will keep your suggestion in mind for future features and updates.

    Thank you.

  • Hi Again
    Thanks for this info. I have another question – can you create a link within your own blog. i.e. I wrote a long blog but had a park list at the bottom. For people not interested in the top but interested in my park list at the bottom – can I create a link to it?

  • Hi
    I also have another question – in widgets I have Top Posts & Pages – can I just have Top Posts and not Pages?

  • Hi
    I have another question – re: header – it’s a circle which I like
    but is there anyway of putting more words in the Header but not as large? ie. when I change the header text to psourze – sourcing exceptional products – it’s the same size which is too large – is there a way to make it smaller and in itallics?

  • Thanks for this info. I have another question – can you create a link within your own blog. i.e. I wrote a long blog but had a park list at the bottom. For people not interested in the top but interested in my park list at the bottom – can I create a link to it?

    Sure, this requires you to use the Text Editor:

    You can follow these instructions:

    I also have another question – in widgets I have Top Posts & Pages – can I just have Top Posts and not Pages?

    At the moment the widget only supports posts and pages all-together. Alternatively you could try out the top rated widget:

    but is there anyway of putting more words in the Header but not as large? ie. when I change the header text to psourze – sourcing exceptional products – it’s the same size which is too large – is there a way to make it smaller and in itallics?

    You can add this CSS code. Feel free to change the font-size to a size you prefer.

    .site-title {
    display: table-cell;
    height: 220px;
    width: 220px;
    vertical-align: middle;
    line-height: 1.2;
    font-size: 30px;
    font-style: italic;
  • Thanks
    I have another question – I’ve put a search widget in my blog. When I tested it out some words worked to pull to the post but some didn’t. I did tag the words that weren’t working but why would it work with some words and not others i.e. stroller? I typed stroller in and it went to the recent twin post but not to stroller in initial list? any ideas?

  • What stroller post did you expect to find?

  • i guess I was expecting the search to find the stroller content in the equipment list. Is there a count in a post i.e. if there are 10 words of stroller in a post will it pull that one first or the first post listed?

  • If I search “stroller” on your blog I do see the “Initial Equipment list” post in your search results. Note that the search results are sorted on chronological order, just like posts.

  • Thanks. weird it didn’t on mine. it took me to my park list first.

    Ok another question – is there a way to add a ‘follow’ heading in the menu thus if you’re using the mobile version when you click on the menu then there is a follow and it takes the user directly to the follow section instead of scrolling down to get to the follow section?
    Oh and one more question – is there a way to post a post without publishing again? i.e. I want to take my parks post and separate it and put 1/2 in the ‘how to do it’ section and leave the parks in the Seattle section but I don’t want my viewers to have an experience of a new post. does that make sense?

  • Thanks. weird it didn’t on mine. it took me to my park list first.

    Yes, that’s because that post is the most recent one.

    Ok another question – is there a way to add a ‘follow’ heading in the menu thus if you’re using the mobile version when you click on the menu then there is a follow and it takes the user directly to the follow section instead of scrolling down to get to the follow section?

    We don’t support this at the moment. Logged in users already see a follow button at the top of the page. For those that are not logged in, they need to use the follow widget which for mobile browsing is at the bottom of the page. We’ve noted your suggestion for future updates.

    Oh and one more question – is there a way to post a post without publishing again? i.e. I want to take my parks post and separate it and put 1/2 in the ‘how to do it’ section and leave the parks in the Seattle section but I don’t want my viewers to have an experience of a new post. does that make sense?

    They won’t get a new notification if you just update the post. However, they will get a notification if the post is set as draft and then published again.

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