
  • hey guys, as somebody mentioned it some posts before i would really appreciate it if I could use a shoutbox as a gadget for my blog! That would make it a lot easier as nobody really recognises that “NO COMMENT” leads to POSTING A COMMENT. Alternatively would it be possible to change that “NO COMMENT”-Text or add a “–> POST A COMMENT” ? Its really inconvenient as it is right now. Please help! Thanks a lot

  • you could purchase a css upgrade to change the no comment bit. or a cheaper and easier alternative would be to put a text widget at your sidebar explaining that very bit. and people who frequently read blogs would know that the no comments bit is the place to click to comment. to say ‘nobody’ would be an exaggeration…

  • I know some themes instead of saying “no comments” they say like “no comment yet, be the first?” I do not know these themes however. You could also purchase the custom css option.

  • but to comment, need to sign up as a member. my batch of friends are not members of wordpress, thus it would have been too troublesome for them to sign up just to comment. Therefore, my blog had ended up with no comments too!

    Is there any ways for guest comments or anonymous comments in wordpress?
    hopefully without the need of signing it.

    Else some kind of shoutbox would work better than comment then. But shoutbox don’t seem to be allowed too! pls help.

  • Dashboard » discussion you can change the settings there

  • Oops
    Dashboard » settings (right side) » discussion

  • Go to settings > general and make sure that “Users must be registered and logged in to comment” is not selected.

  • yea yea whatever, MY DESIRE STILL IS that i would really much appreciate it if I could use a SHOUTBOX as a Widget or CHANGE “NO COMMENTS” into “POST A COMMENT”. I got a lot of people that dont frequently read blogs ! And I dont wanna purchase a css upgrade just for changing 3 words! Its a general thing that it is really inconvenient as it is right now! Would somebody PLEASE do something ?
    Thank you very much!

  • You can have a shoutbox for a widget. Do a google search to find one which is HTML and put it in your text widget. It can be done as I’ve seen it on other blogs. Take your own initiative! If you don’t like the fact that we’re not holding your hand and doing everything for you, take the bull by the horns and do it yourself!

  • diamondfistwerny, I appreciate your help! At least! But no need to be cynical!

  • Not cynical here! Just don’t like you’re “yea yea whatever….” We’re volunteers, not staff.

  • Yep. No sense repeatedly telling us how much you want Shoutbox. We can’t do a thing about it.

    Tell staff:

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