Shortcut to Arranging Page in Menu?

  • Hello, hello, hello.

    The new menu configuration doesn’t allow me to scroll up non-stop to the top of my menu to place a new page in the menu easily. It requires me to go up the ladder of pages in the menu only 15 to 20 items at a time, and this takes forever just to place a new page in the menu. Aren’t there easier ways? Thank you.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    Can you tell us a bit more about which new menu configuration you’re referring to as new? There haven’t been any changes in how menus work for a while, so I’m not sure I understand what you mean by that.

    When you add a new item to the menu, it is added at the bottom of the menu by default. There isn’t a way to change that. Because your site has an unusually high number of menu items, it will take a few extra clicks/steps to add a new menu item to the top. You can drag the menu item to the top or you can click “Reorder” and keep clicking the ^ key to take the menu item to the top.

    There isn’t a workaround to it that I know of at the moment. But you can check out other instructions for working with the menu here:

    Hope that helps!

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