
  • With the new improved sharing, my WordPress now shares my blog with a FB page I manage rather than my personal page. I have to delete this. How do I share with my personal FB page?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi mcurry09,
    There is a sticky post at the top of the support forum with updates on the FB changes. Here is a direct link to that thread: Below is an update that you may find helpful on that thread.


    if you’re trying to connect to your personal Facebook account at My Site ->Sharing, it will no longer work. Facebook has removed that option, so it’s not possible any more.

    It’s now only possible to connect a Facebook Page to your site. If you want to share to your personal profile, you’ll need to do it manually using a share button on your site, or by copy-pasting the link to Facebook.

    If you are trying to connect a page and that’s not working, please create a new thread, and include links to both your site and to the Facebook page you’re trying to connect, and we’ll take a look there:

  • The topic ‘sharing’ is closed to new replies.