shadowbox plugin

  • I see there is a Shadowbox JS plugin for Is there also one for Thanks.

    Bisogno Scotti

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • No, plugins are for self-hosted blogs using the wordpress.ORG software. Plugins are not allowed here due to security concerns.


  • I kind of figured that, but just wanted to make sure. Are there any disadvantages of being on wordpress.ORG rather than wordpres.COM other than paying for the service? Thanks.

    Bisogno Scotti

  • Here’s a tutorial/workaround to get the shadow box effect

  • At wordpress.COM, all the upgrade, backups and troubleshooting is taken care of by staff 24/7, and this is probably the most secure blogging site on the planet. In general, all you have to worry about is blogging. There are limitations and restrictions on what you can do here, but as long as you fit within those, it is a great place to blog.

    With a .ORG blog on a third-party host, you have to install and configure the software (some hosts offer a one-button install through Fantastico or similar service) you are responsible for all security, backups and troubleshooting. If something goes wrong wrong, you have to figure it out and fix it. That said, I’ve been self-hosted for nearly two years, and I’ve had few problems either with my installation or with my web host.

    WordPress.ORG is also making it easier now with their automatic upgrade feature, and searching for, installing, and updating plugins is very painless for all plugins that are in the wordpress.ORG repository. You are alerted to the fact that a newer version exists, and all you need to do is to click on an “upgrade” link on the plugins page and wordpress takes care of the rest. I’ve only seen a couple plugins where the automatic upgrade did not work properly.

    You will need a bit of “web” savvy – or have to pick it up on the fly to self-host a blog. I’ve also ran into a few issues that have required me to crawl into the bowels of the php.ini and wp-config.php files and add stuff to take care of errors and such that were occurring, and for one specific issue, I ended up emailing someone high up in wordpress (sometimes its who you know) and they got me in touch with one of the developers, who helped me write a plugin to take care of a browser/platform specific issue.

    The other thing you have here is a forum that is quantum leaps above anything else out there. It simply cannot be beat. The .ORG forums are full of very knowledgeable people, but they can sometimes be a little testy and many times beginner questions will simply not get any response at all.

  • Please help me add my first plugin. I have no “plugin” button on my left dash or menu board. All of the plugins I have seen say go to this button & then upload your new plugin, simple. But I cannot find that on my dash board. Am very frustrated, have been working on my site for almost one year now & do not consider myself a beginner however not a pro either. Thank you.


  • Did you read any of this thread at all? See the first response by me above.

  • And if you don’t know the difference between wordpress.COM and wordpress.ORG blogs, see this sticky post at the top of the forums: .

  • OK, Now I see. There is an enormous distinction between .com (what I have) & .org that is the reason. All this time I did not see that difference. Sorry bout that. This is very helpful. I will have to continue to research my best course of action as I continue to learn. Thank you.

  • Thank you sacredpath. Your reply is everything I needed to know and is exactly why I will stick with wordpress.COM, the brotherhood shown on this forum.

    My blog is a photography blog and I am using the Emire theme. When I post an image that is in landscape mode, I am limited to 418 pixels on the long side. I make the small image a link to an html page on my web site containing a larger image, but I think this is kind of static and boring compared to the shadowbox effect.

    Maybe I could create a shadowbox effect with Dreamweaver or Flash which is linked to the small image on my blog page, or am I way off base here (I know absolutely nothing about java script)? If it were possible, I could stay right here at wordpress.COM, have my cake and eat it too so to speak.


  • One advantage of WP.COM rather than .ORG is the massive boost to SEO given by the global tag pages. For reasons too technical to explain, it puts a blog here easily two years ahead of an externally-hosted WP blog in terms of search engine rankings and visibility and, thus, readership.

  • Ok, I’m staying already!

    Seriously, that is a very good point.


  • t3ck,

    Not being a tech head, I didn’t get it. The only example I saw looked just like lightbox.

  • @mrbisogno correct the tutorial/ is for the lightbox workaround isn’t it the same as the shadowbox effect ? Any ways sorry about that I linked to the wrong tutorial earlier here is the correct link which provides a video tutorial

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