set a categorie in a site

  • hi guys, sorry for my bad english, iam from germany :)

    I got a lot of categories on my wordpress-site! I would like to bind one of them in one new site!

    For exaple: i got a categorie named “design”, once a week i write a new article about design with some picture or so…
    Easy so far, but i would like to show these special categorie not only in the sidebar where the other categories are, but also in the mainbar!

    how can i realize it?


  • If you’re hosted here at, the themes are uneditable since we’re on a shared environment and any changes that you would be making would be made to everybody else using that theme and they would be doing the same to you.

    If you’re hosted elsewhere, and I’m thinking that you might be since your username isn’t linked to a blog, you need to be asking that over at as you would be running different software than we do here.


  • oh didnt knew that!!!

    thanks a lot :)

  • Not a problem. :)

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