Sequential Theme – problem with full-width page template on mobile device

  • I am using the “Full Width Page” template for my homepage. When viewing on a mobile device, the page content has no margin.

    Compare the homepage (no margin or padding):

    With any page using the “Default” template (margin is present):

    Note: Must view on mobile device or responsive emulator to see the problem.

    I can replicate the problem with Android & iPhone devices, as well as FireFox Responsive Design View.

    This greatly reduces the readability without any margin.

    Is this a bug with the theme? Or is there a CSS fix?

    Any help is much appreciated!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Thanks for reporting this – I’ve reproduced the issue and am passing it along to our developers. We’ll let you know here when it’s been fixed.

  • Hi kathrynwp,

    Thank you for replying.

    At the risk of being a nuisance, I have another issue with Sequential theme (I really like this theme!). :-)

    The Sequential theme, by default, displays an underline beneath hyperlinks, which I like.

    However, when using the “Display Posts” shortcode, and using CSS to float the image left, an underline appears beneath the thumbnail image;

    It appears to be theme-specific, as I don’t see this happening with two other websites I created using same shortcode and CSS, but different themes: (Responsive Theme) (Visual Theme)

    Back to Sequential Theme and changing the subject, I wonder why breadcrumb navigation does not display for posts? Is this a bug, oversight or by design?

    I would like to see the following format:

    Home > Category/Tag > Post_Name

    This is great for usability, especially when viewed on a smartphone device. Just a thought.

    Again, any help is MUCH appreciated!

  • I’m really glad you like Sequential and you’re certainly not being a nuisance. :-)

    However, when using the “Display Posts” shortcode, and using CSS to float the image left, an underline appears beneath the thumbnail image;

    You can remove that underline (border) with this CSS:

    .display-posts-listing a.image {
         border-bottom: none;

    Back to Sequential Theme and changing the subject, I wonder why breadcrumb navigation does not display for posts? Is this a bug, oversight or by design?

    This is both an aesthetic and usability decision, since posts are a direct descendant of the blog. Since posts can be in more than one category and have more than one tag, it would start to look pretty cluttered if the tags and categories were included in a breadcrumb path.

    Thanks for the feedback!

  • The “Full Width Page” template issue has been fixed :)

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

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