SEO Tab on jetpack panel disappeared

  • I am also having this issue with not being able to schedule a post and getting that error – I googled the error message and that’s how I found this thread. It worked on Monday, however! I’ve also noticed that pictures aren’t being posted to Facebook, but they are on all the other social media. But if I can’t schedule posts, WordPress is worthless to me. Any assistance would be appreciated!

  • Hi @stacyalesi I noticed you have quite a few scheduled posts on your site, is it the case that you are not able to schedule a specific post? Is there anything that is different about that post (when compared to others) such as the use of footnotes or any other special additions to that post?

  • I have 7 posts scheduled. That’s a lot? It’s not unusual for me.

    The post in question (Always Remember by Mary Balogh) is actually scheduled, despite getting that error message. However, it lost half the message for social media & when I try to update it, I get that error message.

  • Certainly nothing wrong with that, and plenty of site owners schedule that many or more. What I mean to say is that I noticed that you can schedule other posts without issue, so this issue does not seem to affect all scheduling activities. Thanks for confirming it’s a specific post.

    However, it lost half the message for social media & when I try to update it, I get that error message.

    I’m hoping you can explain this to me, I’m not sure that I understood. You are referring to the message you set under the Jetpack tab, as shown here?

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is screenshot-2024-01-25-at-11.53.58e280afam.png

    You are trying to add to your message there, but unable to save your changes? You mentioned that you googled the error messaeg but I’m not sure that you have shared in this post. Can you let us know the exact wording of the message you get?

    Also feel free to share (in your reply here) what your ideal expanded message for social might be, and we’re happy to see if we get the same error message when we try to add it.


  • i ended up just copying the info into a new post & deleting the troublesome post. That worked fine. And yes, that was the only post I’ve had the issue worth – I scheduled a cooks new posts today and they went through just fine, as usual. Sorry I didn’t save the error message, but it was the same as ones previously mentioned in this thread. I don’t even know what footnotes are so I doubt in using them.

    i was going you could also help with why my pictures are no longer appearing on Facebook. I’m trying a couple of things to see if it fixes the problem.

  • Same issue. Please fix. I don’t love that you removed the SEO features without any notification but getting errors like this when trying to post with a paid version, really doesn’t make me happy.

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