Selling themes & WordPress Trademark

  • Hello.
    I want to start selling themes for WordPress but I’m not sure if I can use phrases such as: “Minimal WordPress Theme”, “Boho WordPress Theme”, “WordPress Theme for bloggers”, because of WordPress Trademark. If I understood it correctly then I cant use phrases with “WordPress” and WordPress Logo but how then I can sell the theme for WordPress without naming my product using the word “WordPress”? Nobody will know for what CMS this theme is. On sites like Etsy, CreativeMarket is A LOT OF shops using phrases like I mentioned earlier.
    Please give me any advice :)

  • Hey there, these forums are actually for the sites hosted here at

    Trademark issues are handled by the WordPress Foundation. You can find the policy here:

    Trademark Policy

    And, if that doesn’t answer your questions fully, you can get in touch with the WordPress Foundation through the contact link on the side.

    Hoping this helps!

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