Selecting different images for blog post entries on homepage

  • I have a very simple homepage using the Index template. Is there a way I can set an image for individual blog post entries that show up on the homepage? Right now if I try to select an image, all post entries on the page end up being set with the same image.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there,

    Looking at the index template here:

    It looks like the query loop block has a featured image in place.

    Looking at your posts however, it doesn’t looking like they’ve got a featured image uploaded, so they wouldn’t display in the query loop.

  • Hello, thanks for the reply! Got it, I did try it out and that does work. However, I actually don’t prefer setting a featured image on the posts themselves as it takes up such a large space and I don’t prefer the design as much. Is setting a featured image for posts the only way to select specific images to correspond with the post entries on the homepage?

  • Hi there,

    Is setting a featured image for posts the only way to select specific images to correspond with the post entries on the homepage?

    Yes it is the only way.

    However, I actually don’t prefer setting a featured image on the posts themselves as it takes up such a large space and I don’t prefer the design as much.

    To clarify, you like the appearance of the featured image when viewing the list of all blog posts, but you do not like to see the featured image on the blog post itself? You can actually remove it from the template if you wish. To do that you can click the link here to edit the “Single Post Template”

    Edit Single Post Template

    Once there you will see a big grey box in the layout, which is what represents the placeholder for the featured image.

    You can click on it and the look for this option in the floating toolbar to remove it.

    This will remove the featured image from all single post views, but it will still be visible in the blog post list itself as desired.

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

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