Seemingly Double Sites

  • Hi, actually my request involves both these sites ( & I was actually trying to upgrade the homepage of the first site, but it carried me to another as if I was supposed to create another separate site. I started importing my LJ posts and stuff into this new one, when I saw that the other site was still showing. Does this mean that the two sites are the same or separate? If they are separate, can I merge them together or I need to delete one? And how do I work the stats and followers and all that? Thanks very much Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    There are several ways to create a new site so I’m not exactly sure which one you used or how you arrived at the two sites you have now, but I’m happy to help you get things sorted out.

    I see that you are importing Live Journal content into Is your import complete or do you have more that you plan to import to the site? You have a few options here as I see it:

    Option 1Move everything to
    If you prefer to use as your primary site you can export the contents of and import those into Once that is complete you can delete since it’s no longer needed

    Option 2Keep but change the domain
    You could decide to make your primary site. It’s not possible to change it’s address to be (once a site address is used it can never be re-used) but if you upgrade to any of our plans, this would allow you to choose a custom address (one without “” in it) so you could make it for example.

    It’s worth noting that all our plans include a free domain if you chose the yearly (not monthly) option for added savings. They also turn off the ads we show on free sites to help cover our operating costs.

    Given the two options above, let us know how you would prefer to move forward and we can advise from there, thanks!

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