Secondary/special posts without creating a second blog

  • First off, I’d have to say WordPress is a great CMS tool and has many flexibilities and a great support community.

    I power my website with WordPress, using posts to represent a listing for a song/beat.

    However, I would like to include written articles in the website, but I do not want them to interfere with the beat listings (such as falling into the post categories that are supposed to be ‘beat genres’).

    For now, I am using ‘pages’ to do articles, as you can see on the sidebar on the homepage. However, this is highly inefficient because I can’t have another person post articles since it gives them ability to edit ALL pages. Also, I wish to display, say, the 5 most recent articles instead of having the pages listing to list ALL of them.

    So my question is, is there a way (using hacks, or plugins, or any means) to create a second instance of posts and categories that do not mix in with the main posts on the website? Please keep in mind that I do not wish to install a second blog, as I want to use the same domain name, same user database, etc.

    I appreciate any response on this matter.

  • arkane8, you’re in the wrong spot. You need to be over at as that’s the site for folks running the WordPress software on their own sites. We run here WordPress MultiUser which is a different software than what you are using. I’ve already had to edit out a pair of your posts due to incorrect responses for the questions being asked.

    I would also kindly suggest that, when you get over to WP.ord, don’t call WordPress a CMS. You’ll probably get screamed at because it’s not defined as one. :)

  • Yes i just realized! lol

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