Search & Filter plug in is not filtering my products

  • Hello,

    I’ve been trying to set up a filter function for a ecommerce site but unfortunately nothing works. I use the “amulet” theme and as far as I know, it isn’t compatible with any of woocommerce’s filter widgets… so I decided to seek alternative options, and found the plug in: search and filter.

    But I am currently facing an issue with the “Search & Filter” plugin in conjunction with WooCommerce on this website, and I’m hoping to get some insights or solutions from the community.

    Website Context: My website ( is a WooCommerce shop where I’m trying to allow users to filter products based on specific attributes. One such attribute is “color-de-luna”.

    Problem Description: When a user attempts to filter products by the “color-de-luna” attribute, the URL changes to reflect the attribute and its value (for instance: However, this new URL doesn’t display any products, even though I’ve set up products with the “color-de-luna” attribute.

    Expected Behavior: I would expect the filtering process to refresh the product page and only display products that match the chosen attribute without drastically altering the base URL.

    Plugin’s Behavior: Upon checking the documentation of the “Search & Filter” plugin, I found out that it rewrites URLs based on applied filters. Specifically, it seems to treat the attribute “color-de-luna” as a category or taxonomy base, which may be the root of the problem since it doesn’t align with WooCommerce’s standard handling of product attributes in URLs.

    Request for Help:

    • Is there a way to configure the “Search & Filter” plugin so that it doesn’t rewrite URLs this way, or to make it more compatible with WooCommerce’s URL structure?
    • Has anyone else faced a similar issue and found a solution or workaround?
    • Are there specific settings or customizations that I might have missed which can resolve this issue?

    Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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