Script Errros using Visual Editor

  • Just started using the new Proofreader/ Visual Editor. Began having some serious problems yesterday that may or may not be related:

    First for the possibly related issue. I used the search feature in firefox shortly after activating the proofreader. I searched for XYZ on a post unrelated to WordPress. Afterward, when I started to edit one of my WordPress posts, all the search terms (XYZ) were highlighted in my post!?! The speed of firefox began to slow to a crawl. When I looked at the HTML version of my post, WordPress (or Java) had inserted reams and reams of code (into my post) related to the highlighting of the search terms!?! Even when I scrubbed the post of all HTML codes, WordPress (or Java) reinserted all of the highlighting code. I finally had to shut down Firefox and reboot. This seemed to solve the problem.

    Now today: A new problem popped up. I keep getting the following error:

    A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. you can stop the script right now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete.


    So… the first time I told Firefox to ignore the mistake. Firefox locked up.

    So… the second time, I opted to stop the script. Firefox then began to periodically freeze and then come back to life. Even weirder, when I would try to edit my wordpress posts, all my editing would disappear as soon as I chose to “update post”. In other words, the post would revert back to its previous unedited version and I would lose all my editing. I then moved over to Chrome and the problem didn’t reappear.

    I have disabled the proofreading tool and am now having no problems with Firefox.

    The only other possibility is a conflict with Java. I recall that Java updated right around the time these problems began appearing, but this is also the time I activated the Proofreader / Visual Editor.

    Any ideas?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • This is being reported by others as well. See my response in this thread near the bottom ( ) and report this directly to staff. I personally cannot reproduce the problem on my Mac.

    Provide as much detail as you can including the exact error you are getting to .

  • Thanks SacredPath,

    Just forward the post to WordPress Support along with extra details.

  • Correction: Just forward[ed] comment. See why I need an editor?

  • Hello,
    My name is Steve Greene and I just started having this identical script issue last night (September 18) when attempting to update any of my wordpress pages. I lose all revisions, Firefox sometimes freezes, and it has turned my wordpress experience into a nightmare. I have been using wordpress since January 2009 with absolutely no problems … it has been flawless up until last night. Now, I can’t even do the simplest of sentence editing on my pages without the message:

    I will attempt to follow up on the above suggestions, and hope it helps. My blog is

  • Hi all. We’re aware of this issue and looking into it. We’ll update you when it’s resolved :) Thanks for your patience!

  • We’ve disabled the script that was causing problems and are working to fix it.

  • I assume, by this, you mean that it’s safe to use. Is there some functionality that was lost?

  • Nothing happens at all when I click on the ABC with Checkmark button. I have things spelled wrong intentionally and put in a passive sentence on purpose, but nothing is underlined.

  • Then I would suspect that they’ve suspended that particular feature, as it was related to the problem.

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