Scratch AP theme titles and numbers problem

  • Hello, I love scratchpastheme but I don’t understand why the widget titles don’t appear (articles, categories, archive, comments…)
    Also is it normal the number of posts do not appear in front 9f each month or categories please?
    Thank you

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I found how to make the numbers appearing in the widget, but nothing to make appear the titles 😔

  • Hi Loulou

    Scratchpad does display widget titles, but it doesn’t look like you’ve given the widgets on your site any titles yet.

    To give your widgets titles, go to Appearance ->Customize and select the widget area. Above each widget, add in a Heading block, and type in your widget title you want.

    Then hold Shift on your keyboard, and select both the heading block and the widget block below it. Via the block toolbar, select the option to Group the blocks.

    Repeat for each widget you want to show a title.

  • Ah OK I understand thank you

    Just a detail,
    I have no computer, I work. On my phone only, what could I do instead of shift to select 2 blocks and group them please?

  • Hmm, it doesn’t look like this is possible in a mobile browser.

    So instead, add a new, empty Group block. Then drag your heading and widget block inside the group block, or if that doesn’t work, add a new heading and widget block inside the group block. The end result should be the same :)

  • Thank you so much, I’ll try and see if it’s good on all cases I will come back to give the result here 👍😊

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