Scraping site

  • Hi all,
    I recently found that the content from my site has been put on another site. Today, this site restructured adding ads and changing the layout making it more difficult to track down what posts of mine had been stolen.
    Reviewing this site further today I noticed many others have been scraped as well, many from wordpress bloggers.
    Is there something we can do to bring this site down? I’ve read the info posted here on scraping but this seems to be a larger effort going on.
    The site I am referring to is:
    I look forward to reading your ideas and thoughts.
    Thank you.

  • Thanks for your links.
    I was preparing the DMCA letter and I looked deeper into the above site and found many different blogs that had their content stolen.
    I thought that maybe a collective effort was already underway for this particular site.

    Thanks again.

  • I’m one of the WordPress bloggers who, like you, have had my blogs scraped by this same site. Yesterday I reported the violation to Google AdSense. I also left a comment on the site telling the owner that I’d reported the site and that if the owner didn’t remove all eight of the posts he’d scraped from my blog I’d report the owner to DMCA. I also added that if the owner really was an “attorney” the owner should study copyright law.

    I don’t mind so much that scraper sites use my material as much as I object to the fact that they are too lazy to create their own content. They use other people’s labor to bring AdSense profit to themselves without sharing that profit with the rightful owners of the content. In my book such profiteering isn’t much different than SLAVERY.

    In addition to the site I propose WordPressers create a similar page here in Forums on these scraping sites and that way we’ll have a stronger front on which to gain some knowledge. I know there can be a positive response somewhere because at least one former scraper site previously discussed in these Forums––has been removed.

  • Domain Name: ZESTEAD.COM
    “To report any network abuse or spams originating from our network please email (email visible only to moderators and staff)”

  • Many sites have been removed, and many sites have gone inactive because Google pulled their Adsense accounts. Reporting to Adsense is my favored method, because it kills their whole reason for stealing and prevents them from doing this on other platforms.

  • absolutely agree with you raincoaster.
    from my experience, if you are dealing with self hosted scrapers, the fastest, easiest way is to go for the money belt.

  • Yes! I just searched for, which hosts and I got a 503 service notice instead of the site. I don’t know if that means the site has been removed, but maybe if everyone reports these scrapers we can shut most if not all of them down.

  • The problem with tracking scrapings from one’s own blog is that one can end up in some unpleasant places. Twice following vanity searches on my blog name I’ve been caught in nasty porn loops – now I’m reluctant to follow up such searches & won’t click on any address I don’t already recognise. But sometimes one’s blog is genuinely referenced elsewhere and it’s a shame not to be able to follow up – perhaps someone has suggestions as to how to tell the bad links from the safe ones?

  • Oh and I forgot to mention that apparently scam-artist companies like Bloggerwave, Loudlaunch, and Pay Per Post that give bloggers “assignments” to post content (even if it isn’t their ORIGINAL content) for cash are such scum suckers that they don’t even pay the sploggers who steal other people’s content. You can read about one such ripped-off blogger’s experience here and here

  • Where would I go to report the website that began this entire discussion? WordPress is hosting him. He has just moved his site from to

  • Thank you all for your comments.
    I will be notifying Google AdSense.

    Luminaria – Your last comment (11:23) confused me. Are you saying that the myzestead scrapers moved our content to a new hosting site?
    It sounds like this is like a game of whack a mole.

    I really appreciate all of the suggestions.

  • Something new with this
    If I click on the blog headings now, it takes me to the original poster. They’re still posting my entire content but now it looks like it links back to me. This didn’t occur previously.

  • Luminaria: wordpress is not hosting him. He is using WordPress software, but is hosted elsewhere. If he’s running adsense, complain to Google by clicking on the “Ads by Google” and reporting a violation.

  • Luminaria: is my site and there is *no* scraped content on it. I am a professional writer and do not steal other people’s words. I’ve never been hosted at Finally, if you look at my site and yours they are completely different. I’ve posted a comment on your blog and would be grateful if you would email me.

  • I need a more knowledgeable person to help sort all of this out. But if you visit you will see just one of the entire posts this splogger has scraped from my blog.

    I noticed yesterday that this splogger changed his format/theme and SOMEWHERE on his blog (I can’t find the page now) he said that WordPress wasn’t redirecting his site (?), and for a brief time (?) yesterday he had redirected his readers to so naturally I thought he had two separate blogs, and Mr. Kirkpatrick got my comments on his blog.

    It would be helpful if we could figure this out so it doesn’t happen again. You’ll notice that this splogger’s daily posts are quite prolific. I apologize for the confusion, Mr. Kirkpatrick. I’m sitting here scratching my head because I can’t seem to find that redirect page. I think there are at least two people would like to know what’s going on here. This austindwilawyer is a piece of work.

    Raincoaster: I did report him to Adsense two days ago and also to the domain host of yesterday. I don’t know if this caused the splogger to link back to original posts as My2bucks said or what.

  • If you do a search on for Mr. Kirkpatrick’s site (sour alba) you get this page:

    Can ANYONE explain this?

  • It’s a search expression. I get exactly the same result on my blog:

  • Sorry? If you type in your search expression you get a 69105 message>Search results; if you type in into your search bar, you actually get a real page.

    No posts found. Try a different search?
    is what I get.

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