School Newspaper

  • I would like to use Word Press to build our new school newspaper but payment is only submitted through a PO. WORD PRESS HELP!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • provides free blogs and hosts them free of charge. There are no bandwidth charges. All blogs come with 3000 megabytes (~3 GBs) of space for storing uploaded files and images. Free features are listed here

    We have 4 different plans: free, personal, premium and business. All hosting is free regardless of which plan you choose. You can view all plan features here


    There are no trial upgrades, no discounts, no promo codes, no monthly payment plans, no bulk deal upgrades, and no multiple year upgrades. Also note that proforma invoices are not issued and purchase orders are not accepted.

    We are billed annually and we must pay for all upgrades in full at the time of purchase after selecting a plan.

    Each upgrade bundle applies to a single blog only and is for a single year only when it is due to be renewed. (The only exceptions are one time upgrades for premium themes and guided transfers.)

  • Hey @uhsunitedpress that’s great to hear that you’re using WordPress for your school’s newspaper! Unfortunately, WordPress requires payment through credit or debit cards as you can see here.

    I know some schools have the ability to use a business debit card with a tax exemption number/form. You may want to look into that option if possible.

    Hope this helps!

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