Saving too often

  • I’m getting rather annoyed with the autosave tonight. It seems to be saving at least every sixty seconds, which is very irritating and is interfering with my writing my posts.

    Is anyone else experiencing the same issue? I’m on IE6 with a fast(ish) connection.

  • I am having the same problem in Firefox 2.

  • I have documented the autosave behaviour over four minutes on Firefox. Needless to say this resulted in an overlap while publishing, easily enough fixed, but annoying. Sydney time, we had saves at:

    9.11 pm

    Too much!

  • the trick to not get multiple drafts is to not put a title AT ALL as you are writing your post. (if you’re afraid you would forget the title you wanted to put just type it at the top of your post.) i tried this several times and it worked for me. only after you’ve finished your post do you put it your title and quickly hit publish! before it tries to save your drafts.

  • the trick to not get multiple drafts is to not put a title AT ALL

    That works? THANKS!

  • ya the draft saving is title sensitive. however, once you start typing the first letter in your title it automatically starts saving. so even if you left your title at the last bit of writing your post, chances are you’ll be left with at least a draft cos it saves damn quick. as i experienced sometimes.

    oh well. one draft is better than multiple drafts.

    (i suggest typing your title at the top of your post, and when everything is written up, copy your title from your post, paste it in the title box, and quickly hit publish. if you’re good, you shouldn’t have drafts at all this way.)

  • Andy put up a post about updating the editor yesterday. Do you think this issue is related and he should be sent feedback on it?

  • It’s not that we’re getting mulitple drafts, it’s that the whole posting process freezes while WordPress autosaves. It’s bloody annoying.

  • I understand what you’re saying rain. Did you send a feedback in?

    Andy says:

    I have just updated the rich text editor (TinyMCE) to the latest version. It’s a lot of new code!
    If you have any problems with it, please do not report them in the forums. I will not respond. Please send in feedback from your dashboard.

  • I’m waiting to see if it happens today; unfortunately, it’s offline so much that I may not get a chance to post for a few hours.

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