Save Changes button disappears on “My Blogs” page

  • I am trying to adjust settings for publicizing on Twitter on the My Blogs page and the “save changes” button at the bottom loads for three seconds and then vanishes. I have changed these settings before without problems, but can no longer change anything.

    When I press the “Twitter” button, a small wheel like icon suggests something is loading, and then disappears and nothing happens.

    I have tried refreshing and using compatability view, I have also tried clearing my cache. Am I missing something embarassingly obvious?

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • May b its already saved when it disappears…

    Have u checked for the changes ?

  • Could you try switching between 1 column and 2 columns?

    If this doesn’t solve the problem, please contact us from this form:


  • Thank you for replies.
    I switched back and forth between one and two collumns and while this did not fix the ‘save changes’ button problem, it did allow me to proceed with Twitter activation, which was not working yesterday.

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