Save button at bottom

  • How about a Save button at the bottom of every editing page, as well as at the top.

  • That would be nice and easier since I always assume that the save button will be at the end of every page

  • Not instead, of course – keeping the button at the top as well for when we’re only making a small change. 80)

  • Um, isn’t the Save button on the right? So that however far you scroll through the editing box, you can still see it.

  • Yeah, really I don’t see the significance of this, especially since I would have to scroll all the way down the screen just to save the post. I like it on the right side because its convenient, and I’m no fan of excessive amounts of scrolling. I say no to the save button at the bottom of the edit page.

    Wait, I have an idea, maybe they should have the save button float, so that when you do scroll down the page then the save button is right there so you can just save. Other then that, they should keep the save button where it is.

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  • Please don’t spam the forums.

  • I agree with aw1923,
    And no for the NO for save button at the top.

    Version 2.7 will have have were you can move the save & publish button
    to the bottom or top right as well as in the middle of the right side.

    Related Link » WordPress 2.7 Demo
    Feel free to give the new dashboard a test drive.


  • rosclarke and aw1923, i didn’t mean INSTEAD, i meant AS WELL.

    And i meant when you have gone down to do your excerpt, password protect, and all those other options. When i’m down there, the Save button on the right of the editing box seems like a long way up.

    I only thought of this cos i too am no fan of excessive amounts of scrolling. It occurred to me actually when i was on the Add Link page, where i always use the Categories and Target options. It depends how different people use the editing pages – which is what design’s all about, isn’t it, making it convenient for the various styles of using the thing.

    The floating Save button is a good idea, aw1923, but i imagine that would be much more to code.

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