Running WordAds and Adsense Ads?

  • Can I use both WordAds and google Adsense Ads on my website together?

  • Hi there,

    Is this in regards to a site hosted on

    Per our Automattic ads policy:

    If you are running Automattic Ads on a site, you must use a custom domain (i.e., not on a domain) and you may not display any advertising or branding (including any widgets or badges) provided by advertisers or advertising networks other than Automattic Ads, unless you are subscribed to the Business plan.

  • This is my website I have been using Google Adsense on my website since the last year. Now, WordAds has also accepted my application, and WordAds is also appearing on my website. Should I pick any of them for my website or can continue using both them? What will the privacy policies say?

  • WordAds uses a combination of ad networks, including Google Adsense, so by using both WordAds and Adsense you do run some risk of introducing conflicts, and also diluting your earnings. So in general we don’t recommend using both.

    But if you want to use both there’s nothing preventing that – it’s not against the WordAds TOS to use other ad services at the same time. Just keep in mind that if you find ads breaking on your site, that would be the first probable cause to rule out.

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