RSS comment feed not working

  • Sorry if this has been brought up before, but I searched the forums and I can’t see it mentioned. For about the last week I’ve noticed that when I click on my comments RSS feed, it doesn’t display; there are no comments listed at all. I’ve looked in IE, Firefox and Opera with the same result, and when I check in my feed reader it just says the information is temporarily unavailable. But I know the location hasn’t changed, so I can’t work out what’s going on.

    The posts feed is working fine, and the only thing I can think of is that I changed my theme recently; can changing your theme result in something like is? I’ve tried the same theme (MistyLook) in my test blog and the comments display there just fine.

    I’ve tried using both the meta widget and the inbuilt RSS icons in the theme and they both have the same result. Anyone have any idea what’s going on or any suggestions I can try? Thanks.

  • Hi, cj. I could have sworn I saw a similar issue recently but I can’t find it if it exists. In any case, I don’t see anything on your comments feed either, although I see you do have comments on your most recent post. I use IE7.

    I doubt changing your theme would matter but I use MistyLook too and checked mine and it’s okay, so it’s not a glitch in the theme and, as you said, your test blog is fine.

    Maybe you need to contact support?

  • Thanks, ella. It’s good to know I’m not the only one who can’t see it in the feed; it’s been driving me nuts and I’ve gone through every browser and refresh I know!

    If there was a similar thread, I still can’t find it… only this one from about a year ago… hm, maybe TT or someone might know where it is? I’ll wait to see if anyone has any ideas, or I’ll send staff a note tomorrow. Thanks for your help. :)

  • You’re welcome. FWIW, I still don’t see it and just noticed that the comment count in your feed is 0 – “Showing 0 of 0.” So it must be the feed and not any reader. :(

  • Bingo, tt! (as usual!)

  • Thanks TT! Don’t know how I missed that one, but I’ll send an email to staff once support opens. I’ve also just noticed that I can’t preview themes on that blog but I can on my testblog, so I might have a couple of things to ask about. Thanks again. :)

  • You’re welcome. :-)

  • I finally got around to asking Mark about this. If anyone comes across the same problem, I had a page I’d named “comments” which was conflicting with the comment feed, so that’s something you might want to check. Renaming the pageslug fixed it. Thanks Mark. :)

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