Rotating Images

  • I want to rotate some images. I click on rotate, the picture rotates then goes greyed out and the spinning icon shows that the image is being finalised. However it never comes back to a clear image to allow me to save. I have waited 10 minutes and it still has not finished. Please help
    Blog url:

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I want to rotate some images. I click on rotate, the picture rotates then goes greyed out and the spinning icon shows that the image is being finalised. However it never comes back to a clear image to allow me to save. I have waited 10 minutes and it still has not finished. Please help

  • Please post an active link starting with http:?/ to the exact blog in question.

  • I am having the same problem but I do not understand what you mean about “an active link starting with http:?/ to the exact blog in question.” Do you mean that I should copy and paste the link that appears over the grayed-out image and the spinning donut? Or that I should type out “http:?/” plus the rest of the URL for the draft post? Or . . . ???

    Thanks for your efforts, timethief.

    Gerry Sell –

  • I made a mistake when typing I meant to type http:// but I have flagged this thread for Staff attention so you can forget about posting the link.

  • Hi all,

    Can you all try using a different browser (like Firefox or Chrome)?

    I want to make sure this is a browser bug before I make a report. (I was able to replicate the problem in IE9, but the image rotation works correctly in both Firefox and Chrome.)

    You can get either browser by going to

  • Hi coffeemanmatt. I have previously downloaded and tried both Firefox and Chrome, and I am very reluctant to go that route again. Both have irritated me when I’ve been doing real work. I know the Happiness Engineers are not fans of IE9, but I wasn’t having any of these image rotation problems until quite recently. I suppose it might be a “browser bug” but it seems like it might be a WP innovation that does not play nicely with IE9 . . . And even if I were to switch browsers, where would that leave my readers, many of whom are even more reluctant than I to make the switch? Sigh.

    I wonder, too, if the problem might originate with a conflict with the MS Office Picture Manager program that I use to prep photos for uploading to WP? By the time I upload a photo, I’ve already cropped it and rotated it, and that always worked fine. Now a photo sometimes reorients itself upon upload. That is why I was horsing with editing a photo in WP to begin with – not something I would normally choose to do. I don’t need you to fix the spinning mystery if you can just make it stop changing my photos’ orientations. :)

  • Note: If you are using an IE9 browser in compatibility mode that makes it render as IE7 and IE7 is not supported. To disable see >

  • Ah. I am not using compatibility mode (not even accidentally, I just checked). However . . . I am using IE9 in Windows Vista, not Windows 7. Do you suppose . . . ?

  • That is interesting. I have exactly the same experience as accessiblenorth, edited with Picture Manager to rotate picture, then needed WP edit as the rotation had been reversed. Again this problem has not occurred before. I always use Picture Manager to edit before upload. I have the same worries about trying another browser. I have however managed to edit a WordPress image via this iPad and it worked fine. Unfortunately getting the iPad to select the image is a pain so I only tried one. However it did look the same as the process via IE9.

    I am using Windows 7 and IE 9

  • Heh heh – evil little grin – I just visited some Blogger blogs and saw no little incompatibility icon there. It doesn’t appear for Google either, but there it is, the little booger, on Ancestry. (But I’m not having problems there either – yet.) Anyway, surely anything Blogger can do WordPress Happiness Engineers can do standing on their heads and whistling Dixie.

  • Hi

    I too am having this exact same problem.
    I edit the picture and make sure it is orientated correctly but when it uploads it has changed it but I can’t correct it once uploaded as I get the greyed out screen and spinning icon.
    I have only started having this problem tonight and haven’t changed anything in terms of what applications and browser I am using so am reluctant to download anything else.
    If it was working fine before could it be something at the wordpress end?
    As an aside, I do find that recently there are things which were working fine seem to start acting a bit strangely, for example when creating a link within the text of the blog a carriage return was being inserted at the end of the link even though the word was in the middle of the sentence. Unfortunately it only showed up once published. Sometimes it did it and sometimes it didn’t.
    I have found wordpress really frustrating to use of late as it lengthens the time to write and post massively as it takes ages to try and work out what is going wrong. In the end I didn’t include the link where it was happening.
    Apolgies if this sounds like a rant or whining.
    Any help would be appreciated.

  • Have you tried disabling all browser add-ons and extensions?

  • Sorry, forgot to add I use

    Picture Manager
    Windows Vista


  • @timethief – I don’t use browser add-ons or extensions. Just trying to run lean.

  • I tried Firefox and that works Ok. I also have a PC with IE8 and that works OK, so I used that to edit my uploaded photos. So the problem lies with the IE9 interface. Hopefully our Hapiness Engineers can fix it

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