
  • Hi,

    I am a new user to WordPress (free subscription) and I have created a company blog with the idea of having our students signed up as contributors in order that we can review all their posts by an Admin/Editor before publishing.

    I have sent out the invites to the users who have signed up and accepted the link in their emails but it is still showing as “waiting” in the Past Invitation section of the Dashboard.

    Any idea’s on how I can get the users to activate their registration on the blog or is there something I am missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there. The contributors have to click the confirmation link in the email WHILE they’re already logged in to If they only created their accounts when you invited them, they’ll have to accept the invitations again.

    If any of them have already deleted that email, you can cancel the pending invitation from the All Users screen, and then re-invite them.

    Let us know if you need more help with this.

    Also be aware that you won’t be notified automatically if there’s a post ready for review. Contributors will have to let an admin know directly once they’re finished with a post.

  • Hi Kokkieh,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I have tried re-sending an invitation to an alternate email account and when you click on “Accept invitation” it takes you to the Air Service Training blog. The problem is that when you try and write a new post it defaults back to the account holder’s site and not to the Company blog?

    Even after being signed in and accepting the invitation it is still showing the users status as “waiting” which makes me assume there is a connection issue between the accounts?

  • If the contributors have their own sites, then yes, it will default to their own sites when they log in. They need to click on the Switch Sites link on the My Sites page to reach your site’s dashboard.

    I’ll tag this for staff to check on those invitations for you, as I don’t have access to your dashboard. Please be patient while waiting for their response.

  • Thanks for your help Kokkieh :)

  • I see two contributors in your “waiting” queue. Are those the two you want to add. I can do it for you manually if you’d like.

  • Hi Liz.

    I would like for PeterFarrow to be added, the other account was purely for testing purposes :)

    Many thanks

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