Right Panel

  • Is it possible to have the right column from the main page also present in the permalink pages?

  • It’s possible but not likely because it would take a complete redesign of both index and sidebar php files.

  • Actually it’s possible. It’s a simple function call from within the theme and a two second modification of the theme. Of course we can’t modify the themes here so…..

    Two options.

    1 – Send feedback suggesting this. The staff might like the idea.

    2 – Go with a paid host and modify the theme yourself.


  • Thanks for the response drmike. It would also be great, now that YouTube is available, if we could post a story on the main page and instead of forcing the main page to load every single YouTube video it would only loan on the permalink page.

  • oops…forgot to thank you marc for your response as well!


  • It would also be great, now that YouTube is available, if we could post a story on the main page and instead of forcing the main page to load every single YouTube video it would only loan on the permalink page.

    Actually I believe that that is possible. You have a tag within your editor labeled “more”. What you post before the more tag is displayed on the home page and the pages that list by month. What is displayed after the more tag is displayed when you click on teh link leading to the actual article.

    For example, when you visit my blog, you’ll note that on Jan 25th, I have a post labeled Crash on Volturnus – Chapter 1. When you view it from the home page, all you see is a bit saying “Chapter 1 of my Daria/ Star Frontiers Crossover – Crash on Volturnus” with a link to “Read the rest of this entry”. When you click on that link, it takes you to the adventure of Daria and Jane risking their lives in an exciting adventure filled with action and danger as they risk their lives exploring the dark and strange planet of….


    Excuse me. :)

    Anyway, try that tag.

    Hope this helps,

  • That is exactly what I was hoping for! Thanks

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