Ridiculous statistics

  • My statistics have become ridiculous. Thursday 4.6.23 my statistics showed 5695 views. I was generally averaging around 200 views a day. It then shot up to 1866 views on 4.4.23, 1388 views on 4.5.23 and as of this writing on 4.7.23 at 8:39AM it shows 2602 views. Something is clearly wrong. I could supply a screen shot.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    The sudden spike in stats is unusual, I agree. On the one hand, there are almost as many visitors as views, and there was a high number of referrers, which suggests someone with high traffic potentially shared your site.

    However, it’s your home page that got the most traffic, not a particular post, which makes me suspicious about whether it isn’t bot views. Unfortunately, we aren’t able to determine with certainty the cause of the spike.

    If it is spam views, outside of it skewing your stats a bit, there isn’t really any other potential threat to your site. I would continue to monitor the stats and touch base if you see any other unusual behavior. We’ll see if there is anything we can dig into further.


  • Thanks for your reply.

  • This is nuts. Today I show 12,764 views. Can this get escalated to an administrator or can I somehow connect with an administrator to get this fixed?

    Any help will be appreciated.

  • @richardmitnick it really doesn’t look like there’s anything to fix: the site is secure and operating well. Sometimes a traffic spike like that would affect the site performance, but our services are built to handle it. If you’ve noticed performance issues or some other problem caused by the increase, can you share more details? Or, if you have more details about what caused the spike and want to share that, that may be helpful too.

  • I cannot report any performance issues affecting my blog. I am using Jetpack and it is giving me these untrue statistics. I was averaging about 200-300 views per day and all of a sudden the results began to show these inflated numbers. I do not know what to do.

    These results are absolutely useless.

    I need some sort of direction or intervention to help in getting this fixed.

    All help will be appreciated.

  • Thanks, so the main concern is that you can’t see your regular traffic through all of this, correct?

    Are you using any android apps related to your site, or anything related to SEO testing?

  • Also, just letting you know we’re investigating on this side, too, but any context you can provide would be helpful.

  • I wish that I could give you more context. Unfortunately all I can tell you is the facts of what I see when I check my statistics. Maybe there is a problem in the Jetpack, but I would not know how to look for this. Even if I could give you a screen shot all you would see is the numbers. I would be happy to give you a screenshot if it would help. I do not see in the forum setup any way to provide a screenshot.

    I am happy to know that you are trying to find something on your side.

    I do generally find that when I am experiencing a problem and do a search that I am not alone, there are generally many cases.

  • The above question about Android and SEO:

    No, no Android apps, I am running my blog on my Lenovo computers using the Firefoc browser with nothing that is provided other than WordPress. I do not even know what SEO or SEO testing is.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Thanks. It may be a few business days before we have news on this, but we’ll let you know what we find.

  • Thanks for your help.

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