"Ribbon" style navbar?

  • Hey there,

    I just bought the custom design upgrade and am quickly realizing that I don’t know as much about CSS as I thought.

    I was just wondering if changing the navbar style to something like this http://bit.ly/JIodSl would be possible? Or if changing elements like that are possible at all using only CSS?

    (I know direct theme editing isn’t possible with the custom design upgrade, but I’m not completely sure if this kind of thing would fall under that category.)


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Welcome to CSS editing! If you’d like to check out a beginner CSS tutorial, this is a good one to start with: http://www.htmldog.com/guides/cssbeginner/

    I checked out http://techpounce.com/ and I see that you found the Crisp theme which has a ribbon style navbar similar to the one on http://www.cloudbackuping.com/ only one has the ribbon wrapped below the nav and one has it wrapped above. If you’re looking for something more specific than that, please post back again.

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