Revert to Classic Editor

  • I want to make the Classic Editor my default editor. I switched to Block Editor by accident but I don’t like it. I want to revert to Classic Editor. I don’t have a switch to do that. On the internet, I found a screenshot for the switch but I don’t have it. I am using the free version. Please help me! Thank you.

  • Hi @srbowm, are you able to access the classic editor via wp-admin? That will be the way to go.

  • Sorry for taking so long. I got this late at night, then got busy the next day. Just now I examined all the links you sent. On WP admin I cannot find anything for converting back to Classical Editor. Nor can I find a way on any of your links to revert back to how WordPress was before I went to Block Editor.

    I can find a block that looks like the Classical Editor but the rest of the WordPress window is not the same–the panel on the right with options for posting is missing but the crap for Block Editor is still there. How do I switch back to the way it was before?

  • What is the URL of the site you want to switch to Classic?

  • Here is the address of the blog I am having problems with:

  • Hi there,

    When I visit one of your edited posts and/or pages from wp-admin, I am able to see the classic wp-admin editor as seen below:

    Are you not seeing the classic editor?

    If you ever don’t see the classic editor when you visit wp-admin, please click the three dots at the top right when in the block editor and choose classic editor at the bottom.

    Hope that helps.

  • Hello:

    Yes, in WP admin I see what you are showing but I don’t like posting there because it is so small and crowded. When I want to post, I go on the homepage and click where it says Write. The problem is when I hit on Write to write a post, I get the new block editor and I don’t like it. I was going to post screenshots to show what I mean but I can’t figure out how to do that. Nor do I remember the name of the theme I am using, in case that is helpful.

    On August 14, I posted two new posts using the new block editor. I copied them from another site like I normally do but it seems these posts did not send out “pings.” I say this because no one “liked” them, which is very unusual. You can see these posts at:

    How to Say “No”

    What Cats Really Need

    This one about cats has cute pictures and would normally get a few likes.

    If you need more information let me know. I would really like to be able to use my blog. Thank you!


  • Hi Sarah,

    I’m afraid that we’re retiring the Classic Editor and it is not available anymore from the standard dashboard. You can only find it via WP-admin.

    You can also use the Classic Block instead, it looks just like the Classic Editor:

    On August 14, I posted two new posts using the new block editor. I copied them from another site like I normally do but it seems these posts did not send out “pings.” I say this because no one “liked” them, which is very unusual.

    Now, copying posts from another site is a very bad idea – that’s basically copyright infringement. If you stumble upon an interesting site, if it’s a one, you can use the button Reblog to reblog a particular post to your site. If that’s not possible, you can add a link to the original post, but never copy the content without the owner’s permission.

    That said, I can see some likes under each post so not sure what do you mean that it didn’t send out “pings”?

  • Thanks for this information.

    I can see those likes now. I could not see them last night when I was posting.

    Just to clarify about the posts I copied from another site. I wrote those posts myself on Quora. Quora allows people to repost their own posts elsewhere so I don’t think I infringed copyright anywhere. I mentioned copying them in case that impacts the technology of the editors.

  • I wrote those posts myself on Quora. Quora allows people to repost their own posts elsewhere so I don’t think I infringed copyright anywhere.

    Thank you for elaborating on that, obviously, if you wrote those articles yourself, you can disregard my comment about copyrights :)

    Copying the text from elsewhere may affect the format – you may inadvertently copy some formatting that won’t work correctly on, but it wouldn’t affect if the posts were sent to your subscribers or if they appear in the Reader so no need to worry about that.

    I hope that makes sense.

  • I might be able to figure out what you mean. :)

    I’ll have to find the tutorial on using the new block editor. Maybe I can make it work for me. The only thing I couldn’t find was how to post pictures (media). Basically, I hate changes on the internet because it’s hard to find the new tools and learn new ways, especially with my low vision.

  • Yes, in WP admin I see what you are showing but I don’t like posting there because it is so small and crowded.

    All you need to do is when working in wp-admin click on screen options top right and set the layout to one column and your problems will be over.

  • Thank you. I am puzzled why I don’t have the “switch to classic editor” button as shown above on darnelidibbles’s post of Aug 15, 2020 3:42 pm.

  • If you’re working with the block editor you should have the link illustrated by Darnell but you need to scroll down to the very bottom to find it. Sometimes if you set your screen resolution much larger than 100% it can disappear altogether.

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